You spoonfed us Saturday morning mouthfulls of maggots and flies disgised in your sugary breakfest cerials. You made us clean ourselves with your fears. These things have hardened in our soft pink bellies. We are what you have made us. We have grown up watching your television. We are symptoms of your christian america. The biggest Satan of all. This is your world in which we grow, and we will grow to hate you.
What has religion done?
by God is Dead 23 Replies latest jw friends
You spoonfed us Saturday morning mouthfulls of maggots and flies disgised in your sugary breakfest cerials.
In the Jehovah's Witness religion, we were actually spoon-fed mouthfuls of Cream of Miracle Wheat.
Well said.
I think the answer to that is :
God is Dead
thanks. i have a massive distaste for religion including JW's. another favorite of mine is Heresy by Nine Inch Nails: he sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see he tries to tell me what i put inside of me he's got the answers to ease my curiosity he dreamed a god up and called it christianity god is dead and no one cares if there is a hell i will see you there he flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line he made a virus that would kill off all the swine his perfect kingdom of killing, suffering and pain demands devotion, attrocities done in his name your god is dead and no one cares if there is a hell, i will see you there how true me thinks! :)
God is Dead
i am also presently trying to find a thing i wrote back in high school that was very 'in your face' - got a low grade on it, but was quite proud!
got a low grade on it,
Socrates was poisoned for 'speaking his mind'
At any time in history, it has never been easy to be an independant thinker.
God is Dead
here it is (the essay i wrote for i think it was grade 10 or 11 history):
"in god we trust' is the largest clever mass hypnosis scam ever perpetuated by man since the dawn of his bible. Christianity is exploiting society's faith and prostituting their minds through a decietful media that poisons housewives with talk show trash that make our children out to be heavy-metal-devil-worshipping cannibals. The larger the lie, the more people buy it and as long as sales are good, the lies just get bigger and more expensive. Priests and such people terrify us through ideas of hell and eternal torment. They terrify us into believing we have problems that only their 'self-righteous' hands can heal. If you haven't yet realized that christianity's pseudo-morality and selective judgements decide for us what is 'right' and what is 'wrong' according to what benefits them, you have been asleep much too long.
"Don't spend money on that, it's evil, give it to Jesus!"
In the secular world at least you get what you pay for. Why should you pay for faith? Would you purchas a car you have never seen? Not to mention, was it not a christian who spoke of money being the root of all evil?
The Government will do most anything the church tells it to do. At any point in time, we have the possiblity of losing what we believe in because christianity may decide that is best for us. Christian churches could be used for more meaningful purposes, half-way houses or other such beneficial creations. Had christianity never existed social structures may been able to live in tranquility as the prejudice created by the christian church's would have not existed.
In conclusion: sell your soul to yourself, it is more beneficial to you. Invest in you and put the bible-belt-wearing-pro-life-red-neck-record-burning-fundamental-homosexual-bashing-hypocrites out of business so they can wallow in their self made feeble minded hell.
God is Dead
oh and this is good too:
if you do not serve 'god' whole heartedly, you are going to hell, or with JW's, you won't live forever. what exactly is hell? a place where you go if you are bad. it is similar to the whole santa claus idea. santa knows if you are good or bad, if you were a good little boy, you will be rewarded with toys and gifts, you were bad, there is nothing but coal for you. does anyone else see a connection between santa and god? toys and gifts -- heaven (or paradise), coal -- hell. adults created the whole idea of santa for children. if they will be good throughout the year, they will get rewarded. it is the same idea as christianity, just brought down to a child's level. if people are good to their church, they will be rewarded by going to heaven (paradise), if they are bad, they will burn forever in hell (no paradise).
God is Dead
why is this post not showing up in the line up of recent stuff in 'friends?'
Hey, great essays,
you kick ass, man.
Dont worry about the friends thing.... just click active topics at the top... thats the best way man.