The posts tend to appear to ask a genuine harmless question, then the post is a pro right wing, with heavy left, millennial, snowflake bashing.
I don't think that is how it went down. The posts Simon take down follow the same pattern:
1) Talking about a known debunked left-wing lie. For example, the "all-fine-people hoax". Those threads usually went like this:
Poster 1 : Trump is a racist
Poster 2: Why do you say that? Can you list a few reasons?
Poster 1: Well, did you see he called Nazi's fine people?
Poster 2,3,4,5: That's not accurate.
Poster 1: Why can't you people see he's an authoritarian nazi lover?!
Annnnd deleted...
Poster 1: Why was my post deleted? Look at this link from CNN, it proves it.
Annnnnddd deleted...
2) Categorizing others as "in a cult" because they disagree with political views. Those threads usually went like this:
Poster 1: Trump is a racist.
Poster 2: Can you list a few reasons why you would say that?
Poster 1: Isn't it obvious!! Every day he gives us more and more reasons!
Poster 2: Uhhh, like what?
Poster 1: Oh come on! You are all in a cult. I can't believe that you would leave one cult and join another. You would think that you would have learned your lesson.
Annnnnd deleted....
We've had political threads with no deleted posts. Simon said he doesn't want to hear that type of stuff, and so if people stayed clear of those pitfalls, nothing was deleted. The same type of stuff occurred with Michael Brown, Tray Von, and Roy Moore.
Forgive me if you disagree..... I post this in a hope we can change the course of this site between us all.
OK, what would you have Simon do? Or do you feel like the "right" wingers should be more "left" wing? Are you saying that, in order to help more JWS, conservatives should move to the left?