JW Net and Politics

by snare&racket 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rivergang

    No good taking those angry pills, that is for sure!

  • snare&racket

    Nice to see some old names again, glad you are all still ticking over 😎👍

    I made my point, it doesn't need any further dissection. Feel free to disagree obviously.

    It simply feels sad to see the site dominated by people with such a political agenda.

    I came here to heal and help. Political debate tends not to offer much to those things.

  • minimus

    Are u pretty much healed?

  • EdenOne
    Ok, let’s engage on this. What do you feel is a good example of the thinking on this site that is toxic? An example that is worthy of an entry into the DSM one day?

    Begin by reading what I actually wrote and not taking it out of context to suit your interpretation would be a good starting point for a discussion.

  • Phizzy

    I agree 100% with Snare's O.P.

    When I joined , this Site was literally a life Saver to me, but if my first experience of the Site had been of Political Bigotry, of any colour, I would not have stuck with it, as it was, it was a shock to my sensitive J.W self, and that was only the very quick demolition of many of my lifelong beliefs.

    What we had then was a good number of Posters who would in a very kindly way set you straight, now what we have is a lot of what we see elsewhere on Social Media , where a "discussion" quickly descends in to Ad Hominem attacks on those holding different views to your self. I wonder if this is why a number of the more erudite and useful contributors have left over the last 3 or 4 years ?

    As has been said, some sort of subsection of the Site for Political Bigots to fight it out might work, or keep purely Political comments and Threads off the Site ? I don't know, but surely this should be a safe haven, that kindly informs and directs, someone trying to get free of the Org ??

  • Rivergang
    but if my first experience of the Site had been of Political Bigotry, of any colour, I would not have stuck with it,

    I am with you there.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    I wonder if this is why a number of the more erudite and useful contributors have left over the last 3 or 4 years ?

    i wonder where they have gone ? Cant be redditt surely ?

    and that other xjw site closed suddenly in recent years.

  • snare&racket

    "Are u pretty much healed?" Minimus

    This passive aggressive comment says much about your view of the users of this forum.

    I think healing after a JW life is likely a life long task. I don't come here because I am weak, though I once did. I now come 20 years later because I am strong and want to help people.

    I do think that 19yrs on, if you are still posting your views here several times a day... either you have some serious healing yourself to do still, or an agenda.

  • TD

    I guess we all have our own hot buttons and blind spots.

    I'm still mulling over the perception that this board has not always been highly political.

    Does nobody remember the retired attorney asking the men here in all seriousness how they had adjusted to no longer being dictators? Or how threads often morphed into attacks on men?

    Does nobody remember the months of discussion on WMDs in Iraq? Our whether the second Gulf War was about oil?

    Does nobody remember the many discussions on whether there was ever a legitimate reason to own a gun?

    Does nobody remember how conservative residents of the Midwestern and Southwestern U.S. were portrayed as uneducated by liberals who seemed to think they were?

  • MeanMrMustard
    Ok, let’s engage on this. What do you feel is a good example of the thinking on this site that is toxic? An example that is worthy of an entry into the DSM one day?

    Begin by reading what I actually wrote and not taking it out of context to suit your interpretation would be a good starting point for a discussion.

    Hmm... ok? So here is your entire paragraph, in context. Its the entire thing.

    Anyways, fast forward perhaps 5 years since my last visit to "e-watchman". And now ... WOW! The site REEKS of the most absurd conspiracy theories bought straight from Infowars, QAnon and other such sources. It's a cesspool of right wing hatred intertwined with ludicrous and lunatic prophetic interpretations "a la carte" from the biblical prophets and Revelation, and (low and behold) even criticism and denunciation of the Watchtower is taking somewhat of a secondary role on the website. Just, wow! I'm sure this kind of pathological path has got to some day have some entry into the DSM manual of mental illnesses.

    You are lamenting the descent of "e-watchman" into a realm of "absurd conspiracy theories". It is a "cesspool of right wing hatred" and "lunatic prophetic interpretations". OK, fair enough. I have absolutely no idea what is on e-watchman. Never been there. It could be everything you say and more. You go on the say that you are "sure" the path of e-watchman "has got to some day have some entry into the DSM".

    And then you say this:

    What I fear, is that such a valuable resource such as this forum, may be going, slowly but surely, into the same slippery slope territory.

    OK, so you "fear" that this site may be going down a similar path, of everything listed above. So I asked for an example of something on *this* site (see quote above) that is the basis for this fear. I honestly don't see how I took you out of context. Seems like a reasonable question. If you say, "This site is starting down the path of this other insane site" and someone asks "Oh, yeah? Why do you think that?", then I don't see the problem.

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