JW Lifestyle Encourages Bad Health??

by Latte 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latte

    Hi everyone,

    So would you say that you had enough sleep whilst you were an active dub? ??

    I personally remember feeling tired all the time. I had two young children and the treadmill just never seem to stop.

    If you wanted to remain as one who was thought of as ?spiritual? and ?good association? then you had to make those meetings, along with the FS etc. etc?.(sigh)

    You really had NO choice in this matter the conflict of whether to stay at home was always there.

    The tiredness was terrible, and I saw this in many a young mum. One mum of two young children was working fulltime, and always looked really, really tired. She was a very attractive person, yet always had that ? I desperately need some rest!? look about her. She was pushing herself extra hard to make it up to the elders for the fact that she married a non-witness?.etc?.etc

    Also, my JW friend had cancer, (hormone related breast cancer) and I know that she always gave of herself, had very little time to herself, always pushing herself, husband and her family (You know?.the elders wife ) I really do believe that this pressured JW life has health implications.

    I remember when we stopped attending, I fell into my bodies natural sleep pattern - it is wonderful!

    I do believe that if their lifelstyle doesn't affect one's physical health, then certainly it does their mental health.

    Found this article on today?s BBC news rather interesting?????

    Sleep 'could help fight cancer'

    A good night's sleep could protect people from developing cancer, a US scientist has claimed.

    Professor David Spiegel, from Stanford University Medical Centre, said sleep can alter the balance of hormones in the body.


  • MrMoe

    well, I dunno abotu that, but i know it causes poor mental health.

  • stillajwexelder

    well, I dunno abotu that, but i know it causes poor mental health. EXACTLY -- And the WTBTS uses a few scriptures in the proverbs which has been backed up by medical science to show that poor mental health leads often to poor physical health -- so yes the JW lifestyle encourages bad health -- because also JWs always tend to have weird diets -- couple that with the higher than normal alcohol abuse (blame on Da Judge) and yes a lifestyl that encourage sbad health -- I could also add high number of cleaning jobs - cleaning windows out in the cold -- kneeling on hands and knees in the cold -- and so on They can not have it all ways

  • Latte

    I should add that my JW friends hubby had an stomach ulcer, which I feel was brought on by being overloaded with 'priveliges' along with trying to balance the family pressures which thay had at that time. I do believe that my friends were doing what they thought was right - putting Kingdon interests first on NOT the own fleshly needs.

    I also know of a pioneer friend who had a permanent bad back due to having carried a fully loaded ministry bag around for years. Remember when we were told to always be equipped - have every book in your bag....just in case?? Yes it did the damage with my lovely friend. She is now only able to take on certain light employment.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Frankly, whatever else one might care to critcize about the JW culture and lifestyle-- and there's plenty-- I believe it's a stretch to assert that it's harmful to one's health, or at least anymore than any other guilt-inducing religion.

  • Latte

    Room 215,

    I believe it's a stretch to assert that it's harmful to one's health,

    I understand where you are coming from with regards to the above comment. I certainly don't mean to generalize. I believe that those that live the JW life 'to the letter', do not always get the balance right, with the result that their bodies tell them at some point to slow down.....you can't do all that this religion, cult expects.

    Thanks for the comments!

  • anglise

    Hi Latte

    I have often thought the JW lifestyle to be an unhealthy one, physically and mentally, (not to forget spiritually if you are still into that).

    ie Rushing in from work with 15mins to eat, change and be out of the door twice a week, often with the added stress of an item! Then home late due to the "encouragement" to not leave straight after the meeting but to stay and chat, so your propoer meal was often a take-away eaten just before bed.

    Hours and hours each week just sitting.

    "Encouragement" not to got out the the toilet during the meeting,

    Dragging a heavy FS bag round and then the standing holding it whilst talking at a door.

    Wearing totally unsuitable shoes for FS because you had to be well dressed. Even low heeled court shoes dont go with farm tracks.

    The mental stress of having a "Bible (WTBTS) trained conscience".

    No time to have a quiet morning unless you could justify it with illness.

    I could go on.

    Maybe these things only effect those who truly believed the WTBTS and so tried to it all "properly".



    Lets see there are meetings 3 times a week. FS on Sat. and if you are "privileged" to be a book study overseer you are also told that you need to be there to care for your group Sun. as well.

    Add to that working 35-50 hrs a week approx. depending on your job. If you own a home add to that cutting your lawn, general upkeep and cleaning, cooking. If you have at least 1 kid under the age of say 12 then minus about 8-12 of the hours that you are awake to care for them.

    Again if you are "privileged" to be an Elder add to the above list shepherding calls, various elders meetings that keep you at the hall at least an hour or 2 after the meetings. Add to this elders wife the added burden of being the sole cargiver of your children while the elder is at these meetings. I could go on and on... bottom line is that it does take its toll on you. Especially if you are married with children. This certainly cant be healthy for you can it?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I am of the opinion that the mind is very connected with the body, and is a vital part of the health of the body. I think of the oppression, anger, and pressure in that group, and I just get a headache thinking of it all. I believe my body would not be very happy if I got back into it and might give me some health problems.


  • seawolf

    I was told (by a pioneer) that when you pioneer you sacrifice your health. From what I've seen, I'd have to agree.

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