Actually it was the Judge who said "Religion is a snare and a racket" yet JWs have turned into a religion...
When does it become a cult?
by SpiceItUp 25 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
When it presumptuously assumes the position of God in people's lives and authoritatively cuts people off from one another, friends and family inclusive, cuts them off from intellectual input from outside sources which would betray its inadequacies and fallacious teachings, and it demands exclusive devotion to its prognostications, ruminations and its own principles, using fear as a tool.
Frannie B
Lady Lee
IN "30 years a WT slave" Schnell pretty well describes how Rutherford shaped Russell's Bible Student's into a money-making book-selling business.
From what I understood in the book his main goal became the selling of books and not the spiritual welfare of the people.
You might want to take a look at a book called "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" by David Johnsom and Jeff VanVonderen. I was planning to write an essay on it over the next couple of days.
We know cults use a variety of mind control techniques on people to first lure them into the group and then to control them. It has been fairly well documented how the WTS uses these techniques. I used to think Rutherford didn't know what he was doing but after reading 30 years I really had to wonder. He might not have consciously known what he was doing but the effect is the same as if he had fully been aware of the effect his techniques would have on people.
Like most dysfunctional families/groups as time progresses the focus on protecting the larger group at the expence of the individuals has strengthened to the point where there is very little freedom in the WTS today.
It would be interesting to examine the Bible Students who left after Rutherford took over and how controlled they are.
I think the idea of knowing consciously is an interesting idea. I suspect that truly dysfunctional people are not aware of how hurtful they are. I suppose some are but then they would probably justify their actions as being "in the best interests of..." or "for the common good." On some level that has to reach consciousness but the mind controls techniques and denial would down out any serious reservations concerning the ethics and morality of their actions.
When you loose control.
Can't think for yourself.
So, at first the JW's were not a cult?
from everything i have read it really didn't start kicking in until russell refused to address the FAITHFUL SLAVE ISSUE- when he heard that his reader where calling him the fullfillment of a bible prophecy he failed to take action in the next issue of the wt to lay it to rest
instead of doing like the angel did john and say man get back up on your feet i am a just a fellow worker like you
russell just let it FLOAT out there and like any rumor or gossip u less it is addressed will over time take on a life of it's own
Good answers JT
JT, I was thinking the same thing - thanks for posting the quote from Russell and then the one from the 2001 WT.
When the service directors were installed and religion was moved over and out, the real high control came to the people. it was all downhill after that.
Im tempted to say when they start refering to everyone as "brother, sister" and they have titles denoting rank in the religious hiarchy.....bah, who cares, when and how dont matter, the fact is they ARE a cult
The Watchtower took its first steps towards becoming a cult when Maria Russell started pushing the idea in 1895 or so that C. T. was "the faithful and wise servant" and Charles Taze Russell backed what she preached. C. T. then started thinking far too much of himself and his published writings, as if they were for all practical purposes inspired. By about 1909, when he taught in no uncertain terms that anyone who left off reading his writings "went off into darkness within two years", he was a full blown cult leader. After Rutherford took over, the Watchtower became much more of a cult because, while Russell published relatively little material about dissenters and took no organizational action against them, Rutherford actively lambasted dissenters as disloyal to God, and eventually instituted disfellowshipping and the intense control that it gave Watchtower leaders.
When I say so, dammitt!!