you could also say it becomes a cult when the beliefs of one man, one organization, or one group of people move from opinion to dogmatic authority which is beyond questioning....
in one book I read, out of every twenty males born, there is a child who has natural leadership qualities... one of twenty leaders is a super leader... hold overs from alpha male gorillas[?] and people naturally gravitate to these leaders and will follow them even to the death.
check it out-- those admired most as leaders, Politician, Clergy and Actors, are admired for the ability to lie their @$$3$ off and get away with it...
taking this principle-- not all questions can be answered, all answered can be questioned. and each answer can spawn new questions... it become increasingly obvious that the more you learn the less you know... honesty leads to uncertainty and uncertainty is not a leadership quality. Leaders are quick and decisive decision makers because they have convinced themselves of rightness of their own cause or suppressed their fears to the point of seeming supremely confident to others.... it is not a co-incidence that CONfidence MEN are considered liars.
Leaders have often proven themselves either insane or good liars, often a mix.... honest people have often been ignored because they take to long to do anything.... Fuzzy Logic is a relatively new science which can explain why leaders can make decisions fast.