I've wondered this myself. Why did I have to wake form my somber? I look at the folks still in and they seem to be on the same old routine going through this life with this mislead arrogance, this fantasy that there real life is yet to be lived. They appear to be in a sleep like state just walking through this life, like it is a rehearsal of some sort, like it has no meaning. Things that are important like family and relationships are pushed aside for a future utopia that is delusional. They wave off the now for a future. They are ok with writing off the one's that leave there delusion with this pretense they are living by some spirit directed mandate given to them by the Governing body. There whole existence is fantasy.
If I could take a pill that guaranteed, I would not remember a thing but would wake up tomorrow and would be where I once was, inside the organization. My family in unity, old friends in there respective places and firmly back within the congregation. Back out in service preaching a fantasy that I truly believed, living the dream of a future paradise. Would I take the pill? I would have to say no. I would not want to be living a lie. I would rather live the now with all its unknown then a fantasy with all there deluded answer. I would rather suffer with humanity and try to figure out the world we live in then close minded and mislead to appease some old men living in Brooklyn. I would rather be the real me.