PROTEST RALLY Oct 20th in Canada

by Dogpatch 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Yo Herk,

    Uzzah's a man. You know how men are. (Stop glaring at me, Uzzah. I'm older than you & I don't care. You're still cute, so I've heard.)

    Btw, are you a man, Herk? I would assume so by your opening post on this thread.

    I was there when a JW businessman was threatened by his fellow elders and by the Society with disfellowshipping. And for what reason? He felt he had a legal and moral obligation to report to the police about a case of pedophilia in the congregation. Despite the Society's threat, he went to the police and, yes, he was disfellowshipped for "insubordination" and "rebellion."

    If you've been following Barbara Anderson's Court Case (which is just starting) - her attorney has offered an open invitation for any of us to call him either for information about her case..........or for anyone who wants to talk about their own situation. One of the main points of her case is that she was df'd for being in a Whistle Blower's situation with a corporation/religion. She was df'd for exposing their secrets - the same as the above jw businessman.

    I've heard of some of Ed Bell's cases (other than jw ones) - and he has a good win record in some major cases.

    If this xjw businessman is still around and wishes to speak about his situation, even set the matter straight............please pass on Ed Bell's phone number? 1-843-546-2408 Either speak with him or his paralegal. Good people.


    edited to add - I didn't stop to think that you may be in Canada. Bell's in South Carolina, USA. So it might be a moot point. But I enjoyed your post!

  • herk

    Hi Waiting,

    You guessed right - I'm a male. Wish I was as cute as Uzzah.

    Thanks for the note about Bell. Sad thing about the businessman who was disfellowshipped: Even after all he's been put through by the organization, he desperately wants to get back in. He believes JWs have the truth but that the men running the Society have gone astray.

    Yes, I'm in Canada. Nice to hear from somebody in South Carolina. I used to go to Myrtle Beach often when I was a JW. Some of my JW relatives live in SC but, obviously, they don't speak to me now. Still, I think some of the nicest people live in your state. I still make a trip there once in awhile.


  • Aztec

    (((Herk and Uzzah))) you both rock!

    Hope the protest rally goes well!!!


  • Joker10

    There are many, many, more and 'dangerous cults' than that of JW's. Muslims and Roman Catholics to start.

  • herk


    I can't help but conclude that you are someone who rarely thinks very deeply. I don't say that to be offensive, but I say it because you make it so obvious.

    You say "many, many, more," hoping to convince us that there are hundreds if not thousands of religions more dangerous than JWs. You mention Muslims and Catholics as an example and as a "start." I wonder if you are capable of naming even a handful more of religions you view as "dangerous."

    No one here has suggested that there are not other religions that are dangerous in one way or another. But our topic is JWs. You appear to me like the criminal who claims he's not guilty because other criminals have stolen and murdered to a greater extent than he has. The fact remains that the JW organization is blatantly evil due to all the harm it has rendered to so many people. Simply because other religions may also be guilty of evil is no reason to absolve the WT Society of all guilt as you seem so eager to do. Interestingly, we've clearly set forth the ways JWs are dangerous, but you made not even a feeble attempt to illustrate in what ways the Muslims and Catholics are "dangerous."


  • RunningMan

    I can't think of any competent sociologists that would name either Islam or Roman Catholicism as a "cult". They just don't fit the definition.

    As for other ones, yes, there are other cults, some of which are more dangerous. However, when you consider the size and influence of JWs, coupled with their dangerous blood doctrine, record of destroying families, and insistence on mindless adherence, then you can safely list JWs as being among the most dangerous of cults.

  • Satanus


    You have a good story to tell. Have you thought of writing a comprehensive minibook?


  • herk


    Thanks for the kind thought. Most of what I know is already covered in the books written by others. I do share my story from time to time via local radio, TV and newspapers.


  • Joker10

    If I were to explain how other religions are more harmful than JWs, I would never finish writing about it. If you want to know how dangerous the Roman Catholic Church or Islam can be, grab a book. Neither of these two don't even respect themselves.


    Joker 10, no question about what you've posted, but the WTBTS is no longer immune from criticism.

    I place them all within the same playing field nowadays.

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