Were you considered a "troublemaker", a "complainer", a "fine" brother or sister? Were you always being called before the elders for one thing or another? Is your reputation the same here as it was in the congregation???
What Was Your Reputation In The Congregation?
by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends
A hothead.
Yer pretty much the same...
Spiritually Weak.
meek, sweet and quiet, can you believe it? i was all set to inherit the earth ;) i did tend to show a little too much skin though. y'know, like my arms, and the occasional knee. yep, i was a rebel. ;)
meek, sweet and quiet, can you believe it?
lmao tink....yer right...hun if we were in the same cong..the walls wouldve caved in ...
My Dad was always sending me in the back to spanked by one of the sisters for my "embarrassing questions". I was considered a trouble maker at 9 years old, because the topics and conclusions didn't make sense to me, so I'd question them, and learned very quickly not to question "Jehovahs Organization".
Studious, a good example, ahead of my time. Model dub.
The last year of my dubhood there were some rumors I was having some doubts...as well as to why I was no longer an MS.
Other than that, my reputation was golden.
I was a troublemaker. YAY! I asked too many questions...I would complain about headship issues, education issues, what was not allowed, movies, clothing etc. You name it, I disagreed. heh
I had a good reputation but was known on the body of elders as someone who spoke his mind - the brothers and sisters like(d) me beacsue I did a lot of shepherding