What Was Your Reputation In The Congregation?

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • leddfootdja

    Well, it went from spiritually weak due to in-active parents....

    .......to "ladies man" as I was somewhat popular with the females- but not for the reason you think........

    I didn't want them, I wanted to be them........

    ......then- rebel because I literally told the PO that he could stuff it and

    what did he think of me calling the CO regarding his (mis)handling of a petty incident........

    .......to HOMOSEXUAL

    THESE days, I believe the correct label would be : A.P.O.S.T.A.T.E.

    A ppropriately

    P issed

    O ff

    S tuff

    T ruth

    A m

    T otally

    E nraged

  • ashitaka

    A troublemaker, mostly. I was also didn't have a good attitude. Had a problem with authority, too. I questioned everything I was told.

    I had fun doing that.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    As a youngster I was well behaved. As soon as I wore a bra I became a prime candidate to be an MS's wife, any MS. As soon as I kissed a snitch pioneer sister I was a slut, whore, lesbian and spawn of satan. Who was still prime wife material for a horny MS. I just needed to be built up.

    I would say the elders always looked at me as trouble. But I know that the congregation in general found me funny and friendly. I'd always be asked to sit by some older people. They liked me the most.

    And they could all still be my friends if they wanted, no hard feelings on my part.

  • notperfectyet

    So mini, you are asking alot of questions again,

    Are you troubled about being an elder and df'ing ones who had a legitimate question?

    Are you sorry you were an elder?

    Did you use your power wrong..and for your advancement?

    What is your story and what are you sorry for?

  • iiz2cool

    My reputation was spotless, my conduct above reproach. Elders tried to follow my fine example, without success. Sisters wouldn't leave me alone.

    Ontario District Overbeer

  • acsot

    Stellar reputation - served where the need was great, special pioneered, studious, gave great student talks; was told once that it was too bad I was the wrong gender, I could have been an elder . Praise the universe for making me a woman!!!

    Am still coasting on that reputation a year after becoming an unofficial appostate .

  • TresHappy

    I thought I was PPIEW

    Practically Perfect in Every Way (Just like Mary Poppins)

    but actually I was


    Loud Obnoxious and Pissy

  • Mutz

    I was once told people were scared of me because I looked 'fierce'. I guess I just couldn't disguise how bored and pissed off I was? :)

  • notperfectyet

    Wow Apcot and Tres,

    I bet mini would of approved your df'ing,

  • jwbot

    notperfectyet: is there a background story here or something? Whats your issue? We all have a past here...thats why we are here.

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