Introducing Myself...

by kyria 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • ikhandi

    Kyria welcome. Thanks for relating your story. Do me a favor, let me know when your show comes to Boston. I want to check it out.

  • Brummie

    Kyria, what a great story. Real glad to have you aboard.



  • xenawarrior
    So, am I to understand then that XW has no affiliation with the Witnesses? Are you just interested in the mindset, or did you know someone who was one?

    Thanks for asking Kyria. For about 2 years I had a very close relationship with someone who was a JW. At one point I knew something was affecting him quite adversaly and I didn't know much about the JW religion so I set out to learn. What I found made it all quite understandable. It was easy for me to see how affected he was overall by the control methodology and the message of never doing enough among many other things.

    I found some friends here who mean a great deal to me so I stuck around. I also then learned more about religion in general and my own beliefs about it all changed through reading the great research done by many here.

    Kyria- don't worry about people thinking you are looking for a pity party. The ones who are worth it won't ever think that for a moment. They'll be listening to you and hearing you and the more of "it" that you can get out, the less that will be left inside where it can hurt.

    Welcome Kyria- you'll find it a very nice place. Just watch out for Valis AND Shutterbug-neither one of them is up to any good !! No- seriously- they are actually great guys and they are an example of people from different generations with different perspectives on life being able to truly care about each other and both having the common link of knowing "from whence they came"


  • kyria

    Well, Valis is a great book, I know that much! :)


    Kyria! Welcome to the forum!!! Great Story!!!

    Leaving was the hardest thing I ever did, but I'm so glad to have had that kind of experience in my life. I gained an insight into parts of human nature that you can only understand by experiencing them.

    I hear you. Leaving was hard for me and many here. I too was raised as a dub. It was all I knew. It took me many many many years of therapy before I found the strength and courage to leave my abusive husband ... and the abuse borg ... in that order.

    It is worth it to leave! Gives us a chance to still live our lives and feel what happiness really feels like!

    I'm soooo prouda you, Kyria! You are a powerful and brave woman! Go girl!!!



  • qwerty

    Hi Kyria

    Welcome to the forum.

    I enjoyed your story and look forward to you on TV.



    Kyria, that was truly an incredible story. Thank you for sharing that with us.

    Much continued success, and at the rate you're going: it's guaranteed.

    Much respect and admiration: you are another success story, one that is inspirational.

  • somebody

    Hi Kryia, and WELCOME!!!

    Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. It IS VERYinspirational. For whoever it was who told you that you are a strong person was right!

    On another note, I agree with whoever it was who said that there are just some non-JWs who don't care to understand because they just don't care to. Not that that's a bad thing, but for some, it is. It depends on what your relationship with that person is. Sometimes WANTING to understand is necessary, depending on what the relationship is. That's my view anyway. Because some habits and ways of thinking from being in such a high control group such as the JW sect are just a constant inner battle to leave a person. DOH!!! Am I making any sence?

    Anyhoo....I'm gald you're here and it's nice to meet you again. The last time I saw you, it was the year 1979!



  • bittersweet

    Welcome Kyria! Thanks for sharing your story with us.

    < add me to the " I want to see Kyria perform in Boston " list.

  • somebody


    I really not I'm "gald" you're here , but GLAD that you're here. I'm sorry about the dyslexia in both typing and writing.

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