How Do You Think A Watchtower Mole Might Act On This Board?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    SixofNine said:

    Here's how they'd do it. Sign on as an attractive and nice man or women, and let us stumble over ourselves trying to be their prey.

    Typical Mole........ Notice the earth moving implement

    Anti-Typical Mole.......Notice the ground moving implements

  • minimus

    Six----I get the biggest kick out of those that think if you ask questions (as I do) that you must be up to no good. Personally, I don't think the GB or Society gives a rat's ass about how we think or feel. To them, we are just "apostates".

  • Brummie

    I think they would be recognised by their brown noses.


  • jwbot

    Why would they want to watch us? Unless this whole board and the WTBS was in a huge legal battle, then maybe I would worry. And if I was in a legal battle with them...I just would not post personal information about myself that would identify me. At this point, since I have no ties with them, I am not leading a "double life" and basically, I have nothing to hide, like a lot of us here, there should be no worries ;)

  • Nosferatu
    What might tip you off that a poster is not on the up and up???

    Well Jehovah can tell the difference. Jehovah's Witnesses are filled with Jehovah's holy spirit, and with Jehovah's holy spirit, we can tell whether Jehovah's people are on here, or whether Jehovah's enemies are slandering Jehovah's name. When Jehovah's day comes, Jehovah's people will cry, "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Thank you Jehovah". And those who oppose Jehovah will cry "Jehovah, I'm so sorry Jehovah, I believe you are the one and only Jehovah", but Jehovah will destroy them on Jehovah's day, and Jehovah's Witnesses will rejoice over Jehovah's destruction.

  • minimus

    Some might think they are Jehovah's agents, helping him out. What makes me wonder is when a person seems like they sincerely want answers from us, then proceed to argue about everything and then defend the Witnesses.

  • tinkerbell82

    i suppose all's fair in love and theocratic warfare. gag. these people make me absolutely sick. >(

  • rocketman

    Nos, I counted 21 times that you used the name Jehovah in that one paragraph comment..., you auditioning for WTS writing committee?

  • xjw_b12

    I found one:

    Aliasthe mole
    Membership8 m 14 d

    Since 20-Jan-03 15:09 Jan 20, 2003

    Average 0.24 Posts per day

    See Post History of this member

    See Topic History of this member
    Biographynative sacramento resident discontent with wts policy

    Wasn't that difficult.....really.

    xjw_b12 of the "ever wary" class

  • simplesally

    We moles really look like this in real life:

    ugly mole

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