How Do You Think A Watchtower Mole Might Act On This Board?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    minimus said Stilla----I think a more effective WT. mole would be someone who does NOT give 100 % favor to the Watchtower. minimus -- fu----g h--l you have me totally paranoid now -- are you a watchtower mole -- whatare you getting out of it -- will you be made a DO and give talks at district conventions?

  • minimus

    I'm the Secretary to the Governing Body. Who needs this District Overseer crap?

  • stillajwexelder

    minimus LOL

  • Surreptitious
  • minimus

    Surreptitious, Giving out personal information is not recommended. You look better with the bag.

  • teejay

    >>>>>> Personally, I don't think the GB or Society gives a rat's ass about how we think or feel. To them, we are just "apostates".

    Me neither, Mini. The Big Boys have more important stuff to worry about than what a bunch of nobodies like us squabble about. There may be people on the local level, though, who lurk and might find out stuff about someone where they live, and the odd Bethelite who lurks, but to think that somebody is at Bethel is assigned to watch this (or any other) board everyday is silly.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    That was pretty cruel facing up to that pic so soon after breakfast. Definitely not one of Sam Belli's gals.

    She maybe a warm hearted person with a delightful personality, but that still doesn't stop her from being as ugly as sin.

    cheeses - reaching for the bucket.

  • Panda

    How would a WT mole act? Never posting would be my guess. However, I agree that it would be a waste of WTS time and personel to watch this site. They won't get anything out of it like they thought they could with , in that case they either knew what to look for or someone from legal was doing the looking.

    So nothing here to see ... move along...

  • minimus

    I think the Society's people look at this site to see if anything's new.....Who knows? They might learn something here.

  • willy_think

    The WT was a UN NGO for 10 years. within 2 weeks of the affiliation being exposed, on this board, the WT was cuting UN ties and making public denials. They ran so fast for high ground that, to my mind, it could only have been the open informational flood gates of that set them a runing.

    It is well known that the WT practices information control. it seems very unlikely, to me, that infomation being circulated about them by third parties like would go unmornerted. Since you can't control or spin info you don't have.

    I believe there are non-posting part time monitors.

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