Duncan Idaho gholas! Damn right, Aztec!
: a copy is never the same, however exact it is ... ask anyone who collects anything valuable and they'll tell you the same thing.
Exactly, Simon. BTW, that's the idea of the Star Trek transporter.
IronGland said:
: Phsically after a certain period of time, none of us are 'original' anymore.
Sure we are. We change atom by atom, but there's physical continuity between the old and the new. Physical continuity is the key.
: It's our brain that makes us who we are,
That's right.
: if that is reproduced exactly, down to the quantum state of every atom in my brain at the moment I died, thats resurrection in my book.
Nope. If you reproduce 10 copies of your brain (and we assume that God can reproduce even quantum states exactly -- after all, he's God), how would you choose which one was the "original"?
Marsal said:
: I don't really remember what JWs teach about Jesus' resurrection. Do they teach that he was truly resurrected or that a copy of him was recreated?
They keep their teaching fuzzy enough that it's not possible to say. By doing this they skirt the problem. However, they do say that, in some mysterious manner, God put Jesus 'essence' (my term, not theirs) in the baby in Mary's womb, and then transferred this 'essence' back into spirit form when he "resurrected" Jesus. But if this 'essence' is not "physical" (in the normal way or in the way that the JWs teach that God and others "spirits" have "spiritual bodies", if that makes any sense), then there is no continuity, and so Jesus as a man was a copy of the original, and the "resurrected" Jesus was another copy.
Gumby said:
:: I would have argued that the resurrected person was the same person as the original because God declared it so.
: I have always been under the impression you did not believe in the bible or it's god.
Right. I was talking about when I was a JW and did believe those things. You can also take that to mean that I think the typical JW would eventually get to that view.
: Why would you answer a christian.......according to a christian/biblical view? That is..... unless you meant something apart from the bibles teaching of a resurrection.
"Answer a fool according to his foolishness"?
Seriously, the question was about the JW point of view, which is quite different from the majority Christian view -- which has no "continuity problem" since they believe that continuity is achieved through the "immortal soul". The question wasn't about my point of view, so I refrained from saying that I think the whole concept of resurrection is foolishness.
JH said:
: So if God says that we actually will resurrect, then something didn't die, just like the Devil said.
Maverick said:
: This question came to mind years ago, but I offer a simple assurance that you would be you when resurrected.
But your argument assumes that the Bible really is true. More to the point of this thread, it doesn't answer the questions I raised, since it boils down to an "argument from authority": "Jesus accepted it, and so should we." But this doesn't deal with the fact that even God can't change certain things, like declaring a copy to be an original.
: Jesus would never have allowed himself to be put to death if he knew he was not going to be the same person when brought back to life. We, as humans think in a continuous line. We see it as unbroken. Cause then effect. In quanta, often effect comes before cause.
Only in certain bizarre cases, and only in the currently popular "Copenhagen interpretation" of quantum physics. A number of physicists, spearheaded by the views of David Bohm, don't accept this "effect without cause" interpretation, but view the observed effects as something like "instantaneous action at a distance". So invoking quantum physics does you no good in proving your point.
: I know it does not make sense, but the math does not work any other way.
Yeah, it does.
: Just because something is not intuitive does not make it wrong.
True, but we're not talking about something intuitive here. We're talking about lack of "physical" continuity of physical bodies or spiritual bodies or immortal soul or immortal spirit, or something that provides continuity from one form of being to another. Without that continuity, you have a copy, no matter how perfect.
: We actually live in continuum,
How do you know that? Some theories of physics postulate that at an extremely small scale everything is quantized.
: we create these divisions to make our world work. I see no problem with a break in existence, be it a day or a thousand centuries. You sleep, then you awake, you are still the same, yet the world is different. You tell yourself there was no break, yet the evidence shows there was!
You're mixing up a break in time with a break in physical existence. They ain't the same. You go to sleep, you wake up in the same physical body. You die and your constituent atoms are spread all over creation, and you're out of existence -- gone. A thousand years later God recreates a copy of you, or ten copies of you, and what do you have? One or ten copies.
I guess I'd call it a decady, Heather.
Good points, Thirdson!
A re-creation is exactly right, Ozziepost.