by Yerusalyim 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    My 15 year old son is having a party this evening...I have 24 teens here...hormones and all...SAVE ME!...Actually, they're pretty good kids...just skating and listening to music. The real problem are the parents. A few weeks ago there was a party at a house with no chaperones...and the house got TRASHED...BAD. The owner of the house is a district judge...her home was invaded while she was away...the had the party without her all the parents keep calling to make sure the kids are actually here and being chaperoned.

    I provide soda pizza and chips...and let the kids go out skating, I check on them every 30 minutes or so...none of the kids here were involved in the other party...

    anyway...just wanted to share the frustration of dealing with teenage hormones and parental fears...I'd pull my hair out...if I had any.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Good JOb.. YERU!!!!

    Most teenagers are not bad kids...they just sometimes get a bad wrap..

    It sounds like you have a good balance of chaperoning with them feeling like your not watching their every move....

    Most teenagers.. LOVE FOOD!!!!...and graze continually.. at least mine do.

    Enjoy them..

    special k

  • SM62


    I love the company of teenagers. They have got to be the wittiest creatures on this earth. Maybe when I was a teenager I was quick and witty too - I don't remember. But it's great that you are ok with this invasion - most teenagers are sensible and not at all like they are depicted in the WT or Awake. If you believed those mags, you would think that all non-JW teenagers were doing drugs, abusing alcohol, sleeping around etc etc. Most teenagers I know don't do these things. They are really sharp and quick to pick up on anything - enjoy their company if you get the chance.


  • Yerusalyim

    Well, the 24 teens are gone (except my two). The only bad incident was when I caught a couple of them in the back smoking pot. They're uninvited from now on. A proud moment for me was that two of the teens told me about the I was walking back because I could smell it. The two were upset because the other teens broke it out at a party I was hosting.

    I'm considered the "cool" parent that let's the kids have fun and doesn't harrass them. So the two teens told me because they thought the other three were really abusing my hospitality.

    I'm not some old fart that hates pot...but here are the issues. First, I'm responsible to the parents for these kids...second...when they're 18 and want to smoke...that's on long as it ain't at my house...third, we're on a US military Installation...I am personally responsible for the actions of my guests while they're on post...I stood to get thrown out of housing if they were caught. And had they been caught it would have been a federal charge...because we're on a military installation.

    Anyhow, that aside...the party was a success for my son. The commanding General's daughter was here (I keep trying to get Rick and the Gen's daughter to hook up...but he's not into "Twiggy". Darn.

    Anyhow...I'm sane again (or at least back to what qualifies as normal for me).

  • rocketman

    That is a lot to keep track of and be responsible for. Good luck...

  • plmkrzy

    gee you're lucky yer, the teens came over to my house ...lets see...the summer of 2002 I think and they're still here. AHHHH!

    "The teenagers that wouldnt Leave" BWAAAA......coming to a theater near you!

    Your teens is 15, LOL It gets better! Just wait till 17.

  • Perry

    Sounds like you are a cool dad Yeru. They grow up way too fast. My son just had his 21st. B.D. a few days ago. He's losing that "ten foot tall and bullet-proof" mentality and facing the real world and issues more and more. It is both sad and necessary.

  • Prisca

    You're a cool dude, Yeru.

    And the fact that the kids didn't hide the actions of the idiots smoking pot shows that you have their respect.

    Great thing about posts like this, is that it shows to JW lurkers that "worldly" kids aren't all as bad as what the WTS likes to make them think. Nor are their "worldly" parents, for that matter.

    The teenagers that wouldnt Leave" BWAAAA......coming to a theater near you!


  • shera

    Your a cool DAD!!

  • pettygrudger

    So, did you survive the ordeal?

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