My 15 year old son is having a party this evening...I have 24 teens here...hormones and all...SAVE ME!...Actually, they're pretty good kids...just skating and listening to music. The real problem are the parents. A few weeks ago there was a party at a house with no chaperones...and the house got TRASHED...BAD. The owner of the house is a district judge...her home was invaded while she was away...the had the party without her all the parents keep calling to make sure the kids are actually here and being chaperoned.
I provide soda pizza and chips...and let the kids go out skating, I check on them every 30 minutes or so...none of the kids here were involved in the other party...
anyway...just wanted to share the frustration of dealing with teenage hormones and parental fears...I'd pull my hair out...if I had any.