Chinese food, ADDICTIVE

by Beans 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    Lucky me! I get to eat Chinese buffet with my Detroit apostabuddies today. I'll probably stuff myself on sushi and kim chee...LOL!

    Doc, I agree, Thai food is my absolute favorite! Tom Yum soup, spring rolls, gang pha andpad phrik king are my faves.Have you ever had chai tea? It's almost as good as diet pop.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I love me some good dim sum, but what REALLY addictive is sushi. God almighty I get the shakes without my fix of raw fish!

  • iiz2cool

    I used to eat Chinese food almost every day when I worked on the road, and it does seem addictive! I eventually got sick of it for a while. I like Thai food alot, and I know a good Vietnamese restaurant that I like too.

    But demonized???

    Well, maybe I'm demonized too!


  • ballistic

    I hate to spoil it for you but it is a well known fact that Chinese food contains copious amounts of Monosodium Glutamate. You will see it on the ingredients of any Chinese flavourings you buy, and you will see it in bulk sacks at your local Chinese wholesalers warehouse. The restranteurs buy it up because they know.

    While it's not addictive, too much is bad for you, and some people can't tolerate it. I can get away with say, one Chinese meal, but any more monosodium and it knocks me out, I become weak and shaky and have to go lie down.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Meow!!! (J/K)

    Actually, I love all asian foods. Chinese, Thai (mmmmmm Spicy), Korean, and Japanese. The real dishes are truly wonderful.

    I do enjoy the "westernized" versions of chinese food such as Lo Mein, fried rice, mu-shu, curry chicken, Gen- Tso Chicken, Chow Mein, and such. But they do not compare to the authentic asian cusine.

  • berylblue

    THis is true (that they don't compare to original Asian cuisine). My sister was engaged for a while to a Chinese man...his mother HATED her...said, among other things, that when we Americans eat "Chinese" food, we are eating "pig" food in actuality.

  • frenchbabyface
    Tinky : i've never really liked chinese food myself.

    but i have to say i find the thought of frenchbabyface, her son and his g/f sitting at home eating chinese food to be really charming and adorable for some reason

    Well thank you TINKY
    But I'm not sure that we are adorable when we eating chinese food because we got meal all over our mouthes and chicks !!! sometimes even in our hair when it comes to play !!! (ok ... not true but only the last one !!! and for the last one only for drinks )

  • stillajwexelder

    yes Chinese is good --tends to be either Americanized, Canadianized, Anglicized (sorry to little toe but this is easy than Briticized) the ingrdient used to make addictive is MSG -it also gives you a thirst -- one poster said real Chinese food is better -- yes Hong Kong is really good for Chinese food

  • Hamas

    A nice story concerning Chinese food :

    A few years ago, I was speaking to an ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER. Part of his job included checking out restuarants and fast food places. One day, he was asked to visit a large CHINESE RESTUARANT in the center of town.

    The Chinks were complaining about a blocked pipe. He told them he would have a look. Lo and behold, he discovered 15 cat skins stuffed down the pipe.

    Remember this the next time you eat a 'tasty' Chinese meal.

  • ikhandi

    Hamas I remember hearing similiar stories. Yum

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