Hamas, I normally like and agree with what you post, but why did you say such a rasics word as "chinks"
Anyway, I love Thai food and my father cooks the REAL stuff very well, as he spent much of the 70's in Thailand making friends, learning to cook the food, and serving in the army. He claims he also dated a Thai super model...but I dunno bout that.
I love Chinese but Thai really has my heart. Tom Kai Gai (is that how it is spelled) is my favorite food in the world, even over LOBSTER (and I am from Maine, I am supposed to eat sleep abd breath lobster).
Chinese food, ADDICTIVE
by Beans 40 Replies latest jw friends
Hamas --nothing wrong with a bit of cat or dog or snake -- try birds nest soup sometime also
Hamas, what's with the racist remark? That sucks dude, don't like it!
little witch
Whats next, the "N" word?
sorry, maybe the word 'Chink' is more offensive in the US than UK.
You guys need to lighten up.
Just as a matter of interest which of these are considered offensive/racist?
British -- Brit -- Limey (Australians would say Pommie) American = Yank Chink - Chinese Nip = Japanese Scots = Jocks Irish = Micks
Frog = French Kraut ( pronounced Crout) = German Hispanic - Spik (this I think is bad? but not sure)
Please do not delete this Simon --it is not meant to be offensive it is just an enquiry -- which is bad which is not? Sorry if we are off topic
I dont think that any of these names are offensive...
simply slang for different national groups. In this poltically correct world, if people can't take a joke, thats their problem.
Thats not to say I say these words in front of people, but behind their backs is good enough for me..
It all adds to the
excrementexcitement of life. -
little witch
I find them all offensive.
Why not refer to a persons ethnicity or nationality by a simple mexican, latino, african,
chinese, japanese, well you get the picture.
If there is even a small chance at hurting someones feelings, why say it? Hamas even admits here that he would say it "behind someones back".
A major offence on this global board, and not at all an innocent oversite. Gimme a break.
Just like anything else, If you dont like it, dont listen to it.
Have I offended you in some way Witch ? You seem to be unreasonably inhospitable to my posts.
If they are considered offensive I will not use any of them -- I certainly have no intention of hurting anyone