If Jehovah is so petty that he cannot bless the rest of the congregation because one person has a hidden sin, then Jehovah isn't worth serving now is he. If he's going to let me suffer because other grown ass people are doing stupid things, that makes no sense. What's the point of individual accountability and why should I bother trying if someone else can screw it all up for me? I thought it was a personal relationship that one was to strive for with Jehovah, not a collective one. Ugh, they are so stupid and manipulative.
Oct 2017 W/T on love.
by WHATSGOINGON 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Brokeback Watchtower
Their Corporation Jehovah image is one sick fuck!.
Perhaps they are embarrassed or do not want to disappoint others. (Proverbs 28:13) But hiding the sin is unloving because it harms both the sinner and others. How? Jehovah might stop blessing the congregation with his holy spirit, and the congregation would not have peace. (Ephesians 4:30) So if a Christian commits a serious sin, genuine love will motivate him to speak to the elders and get the help he needs
Threating Jehovah causing chaotic confusion in the congregation until the offender confesses to a secret kangaroo court and is disfelloshipped. What a witch hunt happy bunch the GB are, and "God" what a morbid fellow.
Oh now I know why so very very many congregations are struggling with the quality of love. At least one individual somewhere in the congregation has kept secret some terrible sin and Jehovah withholds His holy spirit from that congregation.
So now you have heard it from the horse's mouth: 99.9% of the congregation may be goose-stepping to the GBs orders and confessing every single sin but just 0.01% are not an they can cause the holy spirit to stop flowing in the congregation.
With that kind of lame wifi connection, JWs need to hook up with a more robust holy connection.
So much for the poor elders efforts to keep the congregation clean when this kind of principle is in force.
The attempted reasoning in those paragraphs simply makes my face hurt (as I smack my head in disbelief at how STUPID the writers are!)
They are condemning themselves by saying that God's spirit can be blocked by a sinner in their midst. Really? Oh come on!!
I truly can not believe we all used to adhere to such crappy reasoning!
I thought it was a personal relationship that one was to strive for with Jehovah, not a collective one. Ugh,
So true dubstepped , and as others have said it is such stupid reasoning.
hiding the sin is unloving because it harms both the sinner and others. How? Jehovah might stop blessing the congregation with his holy spirit, and the congregation would not have peace.
Their must be a helluva lot of secret sinners in the congregations of JW`s in the western world where amalgamations ,selling off KH`s ,stagnant growth,closing down Bethels,laying off bethelites ,trimming CO`s and DO`s down in size,plus contributions are now on the slide.
Also their is a definite lack of zeal in the attitude of the average publisher nowadays always looking for an easy way of witnessing to people ,rather letting the people come to them as in cart witnessing.
Lets face it D2D witnessing is non effective nowadays and cart witnessing is even less effective.
The writing is on the wall for the JW religion to fade into obscurity as a fringe religious sect. more so than they are now.
Slidin Fast
They have two hammers that they repeatedly drop on the flock.
Fear & Guilt,Fear & Guilt, Fear & Guilt.
These are the pillars that hold up the WTS.
If he's going to let me suffer because other grown ass people are doing stupid things, that makes no sense.
But remember that paragon King David of the bible?
How many died because HE sinned? Today, just as then, the higher up the ladder you go the less personal accountability you have; the lower you are on the JDub ladder the more you must pay for your "sins" and those of others.
What a dysfunctional, sick society!
Funny, because since becoming an atheist i've referred to Jehovah as a c*nt many times in conversation and with friends. My life has only improved. So if anything, someone somewhere is blessing me the more i swear at the impotent desert god of theirs. -
Why in heaven would joke-hova hold back on the whole congregation just because one person "sinned" even after the "sin" has stopped? All that is going to do is impose problems for everyone else, even after the "sin" is no longer happening and the "sinner" has learned from this. Plus, confession is a good way to end up getting beaten down farther, even if the "sinner" has stopped and learned from it.
And what "sins"? Anything that might make it harder for joke-hova to harvest the energy to enslave the whole planet. Sexual "sins" actually help build up the soul, so they are declared "sins". And even using drugs (which does ruin your brain and liver, and puts holes in your soul, making it easier for angels to mess you up)--supposing the drug use has already stopped? Suppose the drug user went to the doctor, found out that the drugs were ruining the liver, and quit because of that and then realized that it was also a sin? Does that constitute grounds for joke-hova to hold back from that congregation?
cha ching
Every time something goes bad (low assistance to the meetings, low rate of biblic studies or hours in the field, plenty of fights among brothers or sisters) they start to think "who is the motherf*cker who is sinning this time?".
My sister and I laughed so hard when we read this! Haha! This would make a great British comedy spot!
Or.... we could do a funny YouTube video...
- "Setting" My sister I are sitting at a card table, facing the audience.....
- So Sis, have you noticed how bad things have gotten? The world is getting worse and worse by the day!
- Yes, sister, but have you noticed the meeting attendance? It is so low, and the Bible Studies are down.... brothers and sisters are fighting.... What is up?
- Do you know what I am starting to think??
- (they look at each other and say at the same time)
- "who is the motherf*cker who is sinning this time?".
lol, thank you Ray Frankz