Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy Mauled by Tiger

by TresHappy 49 Replies latest social entertainment

  • little witch
    little witch


    I heard on television, that his spokesman has denied the tiger was new, that it was said only to make excitement for the show.

    Unfortunatly, he got the excitment at his expense.

    I agree whole heartedly, this is tragic, and not a good thing. I also agree with Valis.

  • Hamas

    Yeah Ok Valis.

    So I won't comment on things I feel strongly about... just because it might fan the flames.

    Bye bye to this thread.

  • Valis

    Dude, have at least a lack of tact that comes back to bite you on the ass time and time again. I feel strongly about using animals the way they do, but I do think your points can be made to come accross without the edge that you seem to portray a good majority of the time. Just chill and think about what you are writing man that's all.


    District Overbeer

  • TresHappy

    I thought these animals were well taken care of (they should be for $110.50 entry fee). I have seen the show also. It was beautiful. And Roy didn't deserve this...

  • shotgun

    LW said

    From what I have gathered, those tigers have been specially bred and trained by the two men for many years.

    That sounds like beastiality...eeewwww

    Too bad that he got's a danger he lives with taming wild animals and then making them perform!

  • little witch
    little witch

    LOL with Shotgun.

    Perhaps now would be a good time to edit? LOL

    Anyhows, These were not pussy cats, (hush shotgun)

    They are wild creatures, and this was not unforseeable. They are indeed beautiful, and rare animals and I can see how captivating they are to see in person.

    I just feel that animal shows for profit sake is wrong. I think as human beings, we can surely find better means of entertainment. What I do not feel, is that an animals well being takes presidence over the life of a human being.

    I just don't like my entertainment to come with such a dear price.

  • Brummie

    *Sends Hamas a ticket so he can go stroke the tigers*


  • ikhandi

    That is too bad about Roy, but I think he needs to find a new hobby. He is getting told old for that. Last I read he was 59.

  • Simon


    A couple of weeks ago someone got bit by a tiger and their friend shot it which was baaaad. This week, some magician get's half eaten and it's gooood.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Wasn't this on a Simpsons episode?

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