Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy Mauled by Tiger

by TresHappy 49 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Maverick

    I am sorry to hear of any person getting hurt by an animal. These tigers are beautiful and very powerful creatures. They have the same mentality as a house cat. And I know if a cat could eat you it would. To use any animal in an act is wrong. If I were used the same way they are I'd kill my controller if I could! I will not go to or support any such acts. The Cirque Du Soleil is a great solution to this. I don't even like Zoos! Animal parks were people are confined and the animals run loose are much better! Maverick

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Man can take the animal from the wild, but you can't remove the wild from the animal. That's life.

    Classed as entertainment for some - decidedly risky for the participants.

    cheeses - who appreciates the relative merit of zoos but has much less of an opinion of situations where animals are used solely as a means of amusing humans.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    .....but has much less of an opinion of situations where animals are used solely as a means of amusing humans.

    But.....isn't that what the Watchtower teaches? Since we won't be eating animals after Armageddon, didn't Jehovah place them on earth merely for our amusement?

  • WildHorses

    Hamas, you can't place all the blame on these guys. After all, if people would refuse to pay to see them, they would not be doing it. The blame rest on their audience as much as it does them.

    Also, I do not agree with these animals being in captivity, but saying that they deserved what they got is a bit harsh.

  • DevonMcBride

    Siegfried and Roy's efforts to save the White Tigers has been praised worldwide. When they bought their first white tiger cub, their were practically extinct. Their efforts to save this breed of Tiger have been successful and their are now over 200 white tigers in zoos and animal preserves around the world. They are beautiful animals that wouldn't be around on earth if it hadn't been for them.

    I saw their show a few years ago and yes it was very expensive, but worth the money. I spent much more money to see the Moulin Rouge in Paris which wasn't nearly as good.


  • Mulan
    Siegfried and Roy's efforts to save the White Tigers has been praised worldwide. When they bought their first white tiger cub, their were practically extinct. Their efforts to save this breed of Tiger have been successful and their are now over 200 white tigers in zoos and animal preserves around the world. They are beautiful animals that wouldn't be around on earth if it hadn't been for them.

    I agree with this totally.

    I saw the tigers in Las Vegas several years ago. I didn't see the show, but the tigers were behind a glass wall, in the Mall that connects Caesar's Palace to The Mirage. Incredibly beautiful animals.


    I heard on television, that his spokesman has denied the tiger was new, that it was said only to make excitement for the show.

    I heard that report too. Typical show business.
  • teejay
    That is too bad about Roy, but I think he needs to find a new hobby.

    Uh... I don't think that's going to be a problem. If he lives, I mean.

    p.s. Hamas? Dude, you are waaay funny. Sick, but funny.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    What I want to know is this:

    If these men were fully experienced in the care and training of tigers, they should have known that the animal had the potential for turning on its trainer. They are, after all, wild animals! So......if they knew of this potential, why did this man have to resort to batting the animal on the nose with a microphone???

    In any, I repeat.....any wild animal show, there should always be someone standing by with a loaded tranquilizer dart gun. It would have been much more humane than this poor panicked man beating the animal on the nose, and then having a crew of stagehands trying to pull the animal off his bloodied body!

  • teejay

    I?m with SFJim.

    I mean, come on people. Those animals were HUGE, like... what? 800 to a thousand pounds? And the act went on like 6 or 8 times a week for almost thirty years?!!? Give me a physical break!! Didn?t anybody realize this might happen at any time? And what about the unprotected thousands of people in the audience all that time? Not so much as a cap gun in the house... let alone a tranquilizer.

    I?m sorry. Like it or not, Hamas is right.

    If Roy had been out minding his own business playing at the park with his kids or something and got mauled by a pit bull, then yeah... I?d feel sorry for the guy. But heck... he was fooling with a wild animal for thirty years ? making it do stupid tricks like some pet monkey. And not just some piddling ol? animal either, but a freaking TIGER for gosh sakes!!! Jimminy! He?s lucky he lived this long, if you want to know the truth. Not getting much sympathy from me. I mean... I?m sorry he got hurt and errah thang, but he kinda asked for it.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Didn?t anybody realize this might happen at any time? And what about the unprotected thousands of people in the audience all that time? Not so much as a cap gun in the house... let alone a tranquilizer.

    You'd think at $115.00 a head, they could have afforded Marlon Perkins and the entire Mutual of Omaha crew!

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