Since I am gay and my sister is a lesbian, my poor JW mother has had quite the time of it...Of course, I was so naive on the gay issue when I was a sister is younger than me and she came out, and to me, first...I had no idea (like, her lumber jackets didn't give me a hint! LOL)...
I was so naive...(your line..How naive were you?) that I was surprised Liberace was gay...I just thought he liked to dress up to entertain people. I sure enjoyed visiting his museum this past spring.
My partner was married and his ex-wife and I met a couple of years ago and we're best buds now.
I think if my 5 neices and nephews told me they were gay, I would only feel this personal tinge of pain for what they might go through in life. That's only human...who wants loved ones to suffer?
I have told my sister and my family that if my mother (she's 68) all of a sudden said she was gay, I'd have a problem with it...Go figure...we are all different and products of our upbringing, not the least of which is the amount of time we were a JW.
I have joked for years that I'm the closest thing you can get to a gay witness. Sometimes my gay friends will say to me, "you're still a Witness"..even though I haven't been one since '85!!!
Life, eh!