New H20 was just announced

by Kismet 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewLight2


    Why not get a FREE GeoCities/Yahoo web site and place all of these articles on there. Then you (and others) could provide a url to the correct article when needed.

    Please understand, I'm not complaining about your posting the articles, but just offering a suggestion for you to follow up on if you wish.


  • waiting

    Hey Kismet

    I took your suggestion and went to look at the new H20 site. Looks interesting.

    I signed up - thanks!

    Simon's will probably be my home till it disappears, but H20 was a cool place. Perhaps with some support - it will rise again with the ease it's shown before.

    Thanks again.


  • Jang

    Perhaps with some support - it will rise again with the ease it's shown before.

    It would be good if it did because then those who wander there will find the info and fellowship they need .....

    Maybe everyone could make a point when they are posting a new topic of posting it on both forums.


  • Kent

    Hi Jan

    You said:
    Can I suggest to you all that you give it a go first before making that decision. If we really want to get the message out then we need to be ablt to do it on all the boards and not just one ..... There are others who may benefit from what you say, but if they don't find this board and only hit H2O or Tishie's then they will miss out.

    I guess that's their problem, if they don't find the messages they want. H2O is a new board, and the possibilities to find this board is MUCH better than the new H2O board,

    Personally, and I have told H2O ForumDirector in a private mail (that I have got no answer to) that I will keep an eye on the board - but I simply don't accept my messages being deleted by so calle "moderators". I am perfectly capable of deciding for myself what to read and what not to read. And I don't need the "superior knowledge" of some more or less insane caracters to be online.

    I really do believe that things have changed over there and having see what they have on their boards ther is room for everyone's opinion.

    Does the leopard change it's spots? You can paint it - but the spots will still be there, Jan. As long as people like Rick is around, there will always be trouble. This board has NO moderation at all, and there is no flame-wars going on. In fact - the only board I know of that has got this problem is H2O - and the reason is the moderators. THEY are making the trouble - and I doubt very much that either of us will be prepared to start discussing on H2O again.

    Everything has it's time, and H2O WAS a great board two years ago and backwords. But time has left H2O and it's moderators standing on the platform - and the train is gone.

    Personally, I'm perfectly happy here.


    <img src="">;

  • Kent

    Amen to that, Kismet!! It seems that since "the mass exodus", every time the H2O board has showed a tiny bit of maybe getting back "on track" again, some of the "old posters" come back for another "trash session". My question is: If you don't like it there, why keep coming back to trash the board anew??

    What an arrogant asshole you are, NewLight2. "the "old posters" come back for another "trash session"". Who are you? Rick in disguise? You SOUND like a lunatic, anyway!

    With 100% lack of respect for Besser Wisser's

  • Kent

    Hi Jan

    Mommie Dark .... you and yours are not the only ones on these forums .... you don't have to read those messages if you don't want to and if you do, then why complain about it?

    Exactly - and that's why moderation is just shit. People can decide for themselves. If Mommie Dark is able to decide, why shouldn't everyone else? Or is her opinion of "trash" less valid than others?


  • Kent

    If you don't like what JanG posts, then don't click on her topics. When she posts one of "long essays" she ALWAYS starts a NEW TOPIC. So if bandwidth is an issue for you, just ignore topics started by JanG in the future!

    On H2O you said:

    Reply to:kent


    Why the need for "moderation" at all? You can, as a participant, chose not to see postings from people you don't like. If I, for example, use to post stuff you don't like - you simply don't read my postings!

    The "truth" that moderators are more able than me to know what's best fro me or others is simply too stupid.


    But Kent. the issue here is NOT that someone is trying to limit your freedom to see what you want to see or don't want to see, but rather what the owners of this "bar and grill" will allow to be posted under their "roof". They own the "building" and you are their guest. You must abide by the "rules of the house" while you are in their building. The problem here is that not everyone is willing to behave themselves and abide by the "house rules". That is why the "bar and grill" has it's own "bouncers" to escort the unruly guests out the door if they refuse to obey these established "house rules".


    You don't think you're wearing a bit too many hats, NewLight2?

    Or - can it be you don't know what you really mean - or are you just a troll?


  • Jang

    Kent, just as we changed and came out ot the WTS, the powers that be on H2O can change too ...and I believe there has been a big change in attitude .....

    The "moderation" on H2O will not be about deleting messages but about moving them to their right areas for newbies, and any that are really a bit sus will go to the Deletion Bin where they can still be answered and where they can be debated about. The Trash bin is only for PORN and so on ..... and you know that we did get that on the H2O board ....

    There is a certain amount of moderation here too Kent, and recently Simon had to take action against someone ....


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