Outlaw. I am trying to understand where you are coming from. Do you say that I am an idiot because I can see demographics of a community may change that would require a downsize of congregations in a community? Or do you just again feel that kingdom halls should never be sold?
...It Belongs to the Society
by Lostandfound 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jeez, Dick, are you being willfully stupid or what?
It's been explained to you, and you keep coming up with multiple examples that you think are exceptions, but they're not. They all can be covered under the explanation given.
"No kingdom hall should ever be sold." - Richard Oliver -- this was alleged by no one here ever.
You are trying to put words in people's mouths, but nobody's dumb enough here to open their mouths and let you shovel it in.
Richard Oliver
Lostandfound stated this:
congregation cessation was an impossible concept, the only one use was if a new and better facility was needed locally either by this congregation or in partnership with an immwdiate neighbour. In his day and his fathers and indeed his fathers, local ecclesias stood alone and had to be defended at all costs by locals, with no help from Mill Hill, in retrospect MHs only help was directing the builders to a roof component supplier, an asbestos roof that was a nightmare to replace.Back then so few KHs existed that the concept of building one to merely sell to provide funds for WT was laughable. The congregation understood that the land and the building were owned by the Zzzz congregation of Jehovah's witnesses, and always would be in this system.
So the statement was that it should always be owned by that congregation. What if that congregation no longer needed to exist. The posters own statement says that, that no matter what a congregation would not have stopped owning that property.
Do you say that I am an idiot because I can see demographics of a community may change that would require a downsize of congregations in a community? Or do you just again feel that kingdom halls should never be sold.....RO
You`re pretending I`m asking questions,I haven't asked..
Richard Oliver
Outlaw, where do i indicate that you asked a question. I am asking you the question. Do you feel that a kingdom hall should ever be sold? Do you feel that a congregation should ever be dissolved?
Sigh. Spock out.
Briefly no society or demographic change had happened in the instance I refers to. Essentially this was a situation in which an elder with a lifetimes service made clear to a new circuit servant that he was not meekly going along with any proposal the CS made and further that generation of servants/elders had earned the right to speak out freely as they did in that time, but not now, subservience the key factor in eldership.
Incidentally, you are not Believer or one of his companions are you.?
where I live a whole community of elderly people being compulsorily purchased out of their community so expensive executive homes can be built. There are similarities, sadly the elderly ones have no recourse. Big brother comes in many guises. Fewer people will take a stand for the minority.
Outlaw, where do i indicate that you asked a question.
I am asking you the question.....RO
You ask a lot of stupid questions..
Questions that have nothing to do with what people are posting to you..
you quoted
so the statement was made that it should always belong to that congregation
They were misled to believe Jehovah would repossess all earth and K H at Armageddon so they held no eternal prospect of ownership, merely temporary use allowed by God, real belief in the impending end was very real in 50s 60s 70s so faithful never expected to lose a KH or to be disbanded
Richard Oliver
Lostandfound. I believe in facts not in sentiment. I believe that many people want to attack because it makes them feel better. I know that demographics in communities continually change either for the good or for the bad. I know that communities that are heavily dependent on one industry and that industry either drys up or moves, that community demographics will change. Also as the opposite, where if a community becomes more gentrified, more middle-class to poorer people will be pushed out, for more upper-middle class and rich people. We can see that not just in the US but throughout the world.
So my point is that people cannot say that Watchtower should never dissolve a congregation or say that they should never sell off property, because they automatically call it a money grab. If a city that hasn't built a kingdom hall since let's say 1995, has seen a reduction of population by 25% over that same period of time, I don't think a reasonable person would say that all of those kingdom halls and congregations would need to continue to be in operation. There would have to be a reduction just by pure statistics. Why should a congregation shoulder the expense of maintenance, utility and other costly expenses to keep a hall going for 40 people when that 40 people can be moved to other congregations and those costs can be deferred and can be shouldered by a congregation of 80 or 100 people.
I know people here want it both ways where Watchtower should be sentimental in the way that it should never change and if a congregation is stagnant or decreasing it should stay because that is what people have known but on the other hand demand that Watchtower changes their policy, and not only on child abuse, but on many things of what Watchtower is doing.