Outlaw. I don't understand. You are calling me an idiot, so obviously you think that you are much smarter than me, so answer my two questions. Do you think that there is ever a reason dissolve a congregation or to sell a kingdom hall?
...It Belongs to the Society
by Lostandfound 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Outlaw. I don't understand......RO
Yes you do understand,but the conversation isn`t going the way you`d like it to go..
So you create a diversion..
By asking questions that have nothing to do with what was posted..
Only an Idiot would think,no one would notice..
Richard Oliver
Outlaw. The OP states that he feels that in the example that was given that the CO should not have even brought up selling off that hall because the hall belongs to the congregation and not to the Watchtower. I certainly disagree with that contention but as the OP says it was a strong group of people who attended it and was in no danger of it going down on it's own accord.
So my question has been throughout this whole back and forth is that there are certainly times when a congregation needs to be dissolved and a kingdom hall is no longer needed. Outlaw you are of the contention that if Watchtower ever dissolves a congregation or sells a kingdom hall, that it is a money grab and all that they want is the money. So my question to you is, do you ever think that is not the case? Do you believe that there is ever a time for Watchtower to dissolve a congregation or to sell a kingdom hall for a legitimate reason? I am not saying that this is true, but I do believe it is hard for you to say yes you do believe that there are times for this because you keep on making the statement that the only reason Watchtower ever does it is because they are money hungry and want to be part of the real estate game.
"Feed the trolls!
Tuppence a bag!"
Richard Oliver
Grreat Teacher. You automatically think that someone is a troll if they disagree with you. I am looking for actual facts. Not what people believe is the cause of an action.
Sweetheart, some facts are relevant to the subject, and others are not.
Why do you keep playing with the latter?
Richard Oliver
What facts have I brought up that I have asked Outlaw that is not relevant? It may not be relevant to the exact scenario that the OP set out but I certainly believe that he did not post it so that people would comment in the vacuum of that exclusive scenario, but that of a large issue of who owns kingdom halls and who should have control over them.
It's like the original post is, "My shoes are size 8."
And your response is, "Why can't I wear my shoes to jump in puddles?!"
Do you believe that there is ever a time for Watchtower to dissolve a congregation or to sell a kingdom hall for a legitimate reason? I am not saying that this is true, but I do believe it is hard for you to say yes you do believe that there are times for this because you keep on making the statement that the only reason Watchtower ever does it is because they are money hungry....RO
I`ve never made that statement..
Try commenting on something I`ve actually posted..
want to be part of the real estate game.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Brooklyn Real Estate Office
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, New York 11201
(718) 560-5001 Phone
(718) 560-5002 Fax
RIchard Oliver
Sentiment: an attitude toward something; regard;opinion.,
people at the time of this incident had reason to be sentimental about the KH
they had built it
they had funded it entirely and they supported it wholeheartedly
they expected, no, were confident that end was imminent so holding on to ways of supporting true worship as they saw it vital, in face of the enemy Satan. The brothers then viewed it as "their"Kingdom Hall" and had already fought of property developers who wanted to buy the land.
Words cannot express the fervour and belief in the promises delivered by the WT, it existed , the KH, that is, to expand true worship, not to limit-it. In many ways the congregations had no relationship with Bethel, they were on their own so to suggest KH was property of WT was ludicrous, in first century did Paul sell the meeting places from Thessaloniki so as to help the central body of elders wherever they were.?
Today if a congregation is merged with another say A with B and they hold one set of meetings, the my view is that congregation A takes with it all of its assets, including value of KH sale, to congregation B. If congregation is dissolved and membership go to join B and also some to C then assets go in proportion to B and C. If congregation A continues as a separate entity, with its own meetings at Bs KH, congregation A retains all its assets including KH sale value and shares costs with Cong B. The present arrangement you appear to approve of is that in any case, merger, dissolution, renting new premises, all proceeds from sale of KH goes to WT, as do any money in a building fund (although those funds have already been taken by WT, congregation to rely on WT to fund any new hall) , with 6 Halls apparently built in entire USA this last year, and building funds of hundreds if not thousands of congregations taken away by WT , outsiders to WT see this as theft. Transparency? Is money safely deposited if so in which country and bank? No one at WT will answer such questions. Monies have vanished, to be shovelled around globe at will, as have donated funds from Britain branch been silently slid across to Germany. The clear failure of WT to live up to its promises should make congregations have worries over their status. At will, with No local vote, representation or discussion their years of toil building a congregation snatched from under their feet. If that is the correct way for Christs followers to act at the highest level then pity help everyone in that organisation because Christ would be ashamed of them.