Since I was raised a Witness, it was only as I got older that I started to "think" about what I was teaching and believing. But even as a young teen, I never accepted the thought that 1975 was going to be the end of the "system of things" and the beginning of the "new system". I just didn't quite believe that.........What belief or teaching did you have a "hard time swallowing"?
What JW Teaching Did You Never Quite Totally Accept???
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
That everyone who was not a dedicated, baptized JW was going to be destroyed at Armageddon, including children.
That everyone who said they were a dedicated, baptized JW was not going to be destroyed at Armageddon.
Blondie, that thought was one I've always heard. "What about all the innocent little babies?....." We'd say (matter of factly)," Well, if they don't have the "mark" of salvation, they're just gonna die. That's why we're here to help families save their lives".
Looking at things from a distance now, I'd say just about everything was wrong there.
The Cross ,The 144,000...and that only JW would survive the 'big day'
The Revelation Grand Climax book in its virtual entirety -- and I am ashamed that as bookstudy conductor, I actaully went through this entire book with my group -- - as an example -- scorpion stings = Jehovahs Stinging Judgement messages --- seven trumpet blasts -- District Conventions -- I am so embarrassed now looking back that me as an educated man should have just refused to conduct a study in this garbage with a group of witnesses
That women are inferior to men, and should cover their heads when leading a book study or prayer. The MEN in charge at my congo. weren't very well-read or well-educated, and this was apparent when they spoke from the platform. Since no one would correct them, they made the same mistakes over and over again. I felt embarrassed for them even as a child, especially at the Sunday Public talk, where people brought their "worldly" relatives and friends who would giggle and mimic the speakers mistakes.
Yeah....The prophecies applying to the "anointed remnant" especially since 1919.....What a laugh! Really! The entire book of Revelation is supposed to refer to JW's in the 20th century. How embarrassing.
I never accepted the teaching that the witnesses would be the only ones to survive armageddon, and that they are the only ones that God loves enough to save.
I never understood why divorce was not allowed. I just couldn't fathom how we could be forgiven for every sin except the "sin" of signing a marriage license!