My main objection was related to who lives and who dies at Armageddon. I too, couldn't understand how the God who orders us not to murder, could vaporize 99.9 percent of the worls' population, nor how a ``wordly person" acquires spiritual ``brownie points' by dying before Armageddon and therefore qualifying to be raised in the post-Armageddon general ``resurrection of the unrighteous" for a second chance, whereas that very same individual would have been destroyed had he had the misfortune to be alive when the Big A struck... where's the sense in that?
What JW Teaching Did You Never Quite Totally Accept???
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
The things that really bother me (and still do) are the "teachings" that clearly are not in the Bible but ... but rather somehow interpreted as truth.
1. Adam and Eve created only 6,000 years ago.
2. The 144,000 being a literal number when everything around it is symbolic and/or figurative.
3. Smoking (never done it and I don't think one should smoke and be in a position of responsibility, but it's no different than being obese. Yet we don't see people being DF'd for being fat.
4. Masturbation. This one was not even mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures yet the details of sex and even how to cover your poop are discussed in detail.
5. The Pagan thing. Picking out some things with pagan roots as being wrong and others are ok.
I could go on and on .........................
***** Rub a Dub
There's no sense in it at all, Roomie, I agree. The thing is, the Borg doesn't understand what the Christian message is for they're still stuck with the laws and commandments and justice system of the OT.
JW's are basically Reformed Jews or Jews for Jesus. They still WANT to observe the Old Law.
here is my big thing, I didn't like the fact that we couldn''t wear crosses. Who cares if its a tree or a cross they were a tee formation.
And Christmas this is a biggy with me. Origially the WTS practised Chistmas, their halls were decked with boughs of hollie. And so what if it is a little pagany, who cares. They practised gleefullee homosexuality and lied to us about all kinds of things what difference would it have made.
And smoking, it was okay or rather frowned upon if you were not to mature but who really worried.
So these were my extreme pet peeves....
How did they "gleefully practice homosexuality"?
How did they "gleefully practice homosexuality"?
I think Orangefatcat is talking about the witchhunts at Bethel (pre-Ray Franz) where a number of Bethelites were expelled for having "trysts in the sauna". Then, of course, there was Leo Greenlees....
Objects being demonized. I thought the whole thing sounded like an awful lot like superstition. Was it any different from, say: the pagan who thought there were evil spirits residing in a nearby tree stump?
Babies unfortunate enough not to take that first breath not getting a resurrection.
"Don't worry, if your baby breathes the breath of life it will get a resurrection."<... Said to me when my unborn baby was very ill with Rh hemolitic anemia. That upset me.Soon after, my sister, with fervor and gusto, shows me a new questions from readers reasoning that babies born dead probably weren't going to get a resurrection. She interpreted it to say babies most definitely would not get one unless they took at least one gasp. This did not make sense and so I researched it in the AID book. I saw that all of us get the breath of life indirectly from God through Adam.
I believe they taught that bull to try to stop anyone from even considering an abortion.
The "deep" things they came up with including the whole Revelation: Its Climax Still At Hand book. I did wonder why they made rules on things that were not mentioned in the Bible such as smoking, oral sex, masterbation, etc.
Heather S.
I never carried a "no blood" card. I didn't believe in not accepting a transfusion if it meant losing my life. I remember that someone gave me a blood card, but I never carried it. I just thought that if I were ever in a serious accident, that I could feign being unconscious and get away with it. After having child of my own, I absolutely could never allow my child to die either.
never did believe: