Now this is a neat subject!! I am a genealogy freak, and have researched my family back to the middle ages and beyond, on both sides. I so much want to know about them, and what they looked like, and how they lived, that I have dreamed it. One dream I keep having is that I am the daughter of one of my grandparents, back about 200 years in Maine, where my ancestors came to from England. I have vivid memories, when I wake up, of what they all look like, and their clothes and homes. Usually when I have a dream, I remember details, but can never see faces. I see these people's faces. And the cold temperature is very vivid, even in summers here, I wake up feeling that I had been cold all night, because the dream was in the winter in Maine. I have also had dreams of talking to my grandmother who died in 1974, about all this stuff we have learned about the JW's. She was a JW too, and was 89 when she died. We all (all the family) were so close to her, that we want her approval. In the dream, she is so happy that we finally learned the truth of things, and that she had been trying to tell us for so long, but couldn't get through to us. I have no idea if these are real experiences, but I DO KNOW that there is so much about the mind, that we don't know and just can't know at this time. I don't discount anything anymore. I am convinced it is NOT demons.
Dreams: Portals to the Afterlife?
by Mulan 16 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting subject rizzy,
I found some explainations for this type of thing whilst reading Jung. I've had similar experiences with my wife and wonder whether, when two people are sleeping with there heads close, can thought transferance take place? I believe so. By saying this I am not discounting the possibility of a spirit world/s or other explainations as there is much going on in this area that we are yet to come to grips with.
I hope you stir some interesting replies. I know my wife and my breathing become harmonic during our sleep and the wife and daughters monthly cycles syncronise (heaven help me when the moon turns red ;)
cheers, unclebruce
Hi Riz.
I get a lot of those dreams.
If you can get a hold of a book called "spirit song" by Mary Summer Rain, It should help you out a lot.
It helped me answer a lot of questions.Randyaussie.
Here is another experience related to me by another ex dub. Last winter, just before Christmas, she was wondering if she could communicate with her dead grandparents, so did a little test. In bed she asked if "grandma, are you there? give me a sign." She felt a little movement of the covers against her leg, but more like fingers going up and down. She freaked out, but tried it again, and had the same reaction. Still not wanting to believe it, she asked again for a different kind of sign. "tell me something" she said. She went to sleep, hoping to hear something from her grandmother. In the morning her husband told her he had had an odd dream. There was an elderly couple holding up a sign, written in German. My friend went cold........her grandparents were German, and she hadn't told her husband what she was doing. She asked him what the sign said, but since he didn't speak German, he could only spell it for her. The sign said "Merry Christmas." She felt it was a clear sign, but she is weird, so I haven't told this to anyone yet. The experience related by riz was too similar, and I had to tell.
Well, the dreaming state is an altered state of consciousness, and I have heard of that kind of experience from couples.
Now here's a related question.. Does anyone remember reading about how experienced meditators need less (like as little as 4 hours) of sleep? I seem to recall that there's less need for REM sleep or something.. I believe the possible implication was that that state of consciousness can be attained in the waking state so there would be no need for separate REM cycles)
"Most dreams come to us through the gates of ivory, and they lie to us. Some dreams come to us through the gates of horn, and they speak to us truly."
- Jan
Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911] -
After leaving the "mothership" and during the time I was a practicing agnostic, my mother-in-law passed on and it seemed that the family of sisters who had been very close some how became very disunited and a great deal of hard feelings began to surface. Married to one of six sisters, I was among five brothers-in-law who watched the emotions and feelings escalate. One night I was "visited" by my former mother-in-law, and I use the term as it was more than a typical dream in which silly crazy things flow through the mind and seem totally reasonable until one awakes and analyzes the details. She was almost as real as in waking life and talked about things to me about me that would have been impossible for anyone to know as a contemporary fellow human. It became obvious that she was proving to me that another reality exists and that I needed to become comfortable with that idea before she could "use me" to help her daughters.
She then informed me how to deal with the issues that were dividing her children and return the family to a level of sanity that it had abandoned. She assured me that she was very happy and that she wanted for nothing other than for her children to go on with their lives relating to each other as they had been taught rather than bickering and fussing over matters of little importance. Luckily, I was able to do as she instructed and the family gathering recovered its bearings and all went away feeling better for having gone through a healing.
I have never been "visited" by her again, but sure do remember the experiance.
Riz, thanks for raising the issue. It's a favorite of mine having had a couple of experiances that will stay with me the rest of my life.
I'm curious Carmel, did MIL leave you with anything you were not capable of figuring out on your own?
and talked about things to me about me that would have been impossible for anyone to know as a contemporary fellow human. It became obvious that she was proving to me that another reality exists
I'm curious. Since this episode took place as a dream in your mind, why do you feel that this dream person knowing stuff that only you could know constitutes proof of another reality? Your mind supplied the information, didn't it?
Well, if you know me, you knew I would show up here
I have had very vivid dreams before. I have even had dreams of lost loved ones to death. I have had dreams of people I have met but never seen. And I have had dreams of the future, and later seen it played before my eyes.
I have tried to interpret my dreams, butit is to no avail. Sometimes I have come close, but never a concrete answer why. I think the skeptic in me is rising to the surface. And the dreams I once called "dreams" are not really dreams at all.
I cannot explain this. I have tried in my own mind, to rationalize what I have experienced. It is good to "dream", but reality, though a much better concept. IMO
wendy(bet there are ALOT of typos)