I have always had really vivid dreams, and remember them. I can't always see the faces in my memories of dreams, but I remember lots of details from my dreams. So, I have been interested in interpreting my dreams. One dream I had ALL the time while I was a pioneer, and JW, of course, is that I was naked in a room full of people, formally dressed. I picked up a little book at the grocery store, checkout line on dreams, and found that this particular dream means that I was afraid of being exposed out as a fraud!! That freaked me out! I sure didn't think I was a fraud, but it planted a little seed that I couldn't get rid of. Did I really love pioneering as I always said I did, or was I really a fraud? That absolutely was the case. Another dream was of falling, and falling and falling. That means fear of failure. Another more unusual one was that I was a hairdresser and was always being asked to do hairdos and haircuts that I didn't feel I could do. But, I would do them, and they turned out beautifully. I would protest that I wasn't really trained for this, and it was all an accident that it was working. But somehow I was able to do this anyway. That one I don't know what it means. Anyone?
Dreams: Portals to the Afterlife?
by Mulan 16 Replies latest jw friends
After leaving the "mothership"
Hmmm... I think you should introduce yourself on the contact = suicide thread.
Welcome to earth
Six, actually at the time of her passing, I was in my mid-twenties, pretty wet behind the ears and surrounded by brothers-in-law that were all ten years my senior. One would have thought that any one of them or any of the older sisters would have had much more moxie to resolve the issues, but for some reason, it became my task to act as peace maker, not, I might add my normal mo. Involved in partisan politics, it was my want to wade in, take sides with righteousness on my side and dam the consequences. Now mind you I'd completed my minor in psychology, understood enough about some of the possible mental and emotional dynamics that could be going on, including projection of self knowledge as Comf alludes to. I simply find it an amazing coincidence that it came together as it did.
Had I the interpersonal skills and/or the training to deal with the complicated family issues that were surfacing, I wouldn't have been taken by the dream and its outcome. I am still amazed that I even trusted the message in the dream enough to follow it, as it was definately outside my comfort zone.
COMF, you make a good point that my self knowledge of the information plus a common ability to generate through creative processes imagined situations can easily explain the private information. That it was reflected back to me in a situation as described that turned out to be quite utilatarian and timely rather than in the form of non-sense, which is what most of my dreams are, is/was rather unsettling.
Too long to go into, but I have had a couple other experiances with dreams. Considering it spans over 30 years, it's not like they are common occurances with me.
BTW, I used to be much more skeptical about such matters, and still wence at the hoccus-poccus that goes on. Still, I have to go hmmmmm sometimes.
It is really strange that this topic posted at this time. 2 nights ago I had a really intense dream of being with my father. It was actually traumatic because I was re-living his sickness and death. I woke up crying and continued upset for some time. However, at the same time I was comforted by being with my dad again. For those that do not know, he disassociated himself about 10 years before his death. I, at the time, being the good little dub wouldn't have much to do with him. A few years after his death, I started having doubts, probably seeds planted by him. Anyway, I kept having this internal nagging to keep searching about whether or not I had "the truth." For some reason I have often felt like my dad was somehow encouraging me to keep digging. The part of me that was raised a JW, however keeps telling me that he is sleeping in the grave.
The only person in my family that I have confided in about my true feelings is my older brother who has been inactive for years. I told him that I have tremendous guilt over the lost years of association with my dad and that I must have really hurt him. I use to be really close with my dad. Anyway, my brother told me that dad always felt that I would eventually come around. So a small part of me feels that if there is an afterlife, I feel like my dad is responsible for opening my eyes.
And now this post appears. Thanks!
If any of you have ever seen "Crossing Over With John Edward", he tells everyone to pay close attention to their dreams because this is a method that our loved ones can use to communicate with us from the other side.
I've never had any dreams like this but that doesn't mean that it isn't real. Of course, I've never really had anyone close to me die either.
It's possible of course that John Edward is a crock, but his mediation looks real enough to me.Chris (The Crossing Over Class)
"Forget the tribe, my pants have spoken."
Nomen Clature
I simply find it an amazing coincidence that it came together as it did.
not to be flippant at all, but it sounds to me like anything but coincidence. You just gave the story of a clear and present need.
Besides, you'r very quick to show off your skills at dealing with women around here
you haven't seen how the old hag Waiting treats me!