I usually don't wake up remembering any dreams... but every now and then I do and this morning I woke up from a reeeeeally strange one.
This is how it went:
I meet this girl from India... she is dressed in a traditional looking outfit. She is very attractive, aside from one problem: She has a disorder that causes her to grow hair all over her body and face. Even though I'm a bit disturbed by the hair I can't help but have an affection for her and I want to help her find a way to treat or cure the hair problem. We decide to go out together shortly after meeting and go walking in a park with well tended grounds and lots of old growth trees.
Now this is where is gets REALLY weird... the whole time we are walking in the park, she keeps leaning over holding my hand and licking my palm. In the dream I don't say anything to her about it... I figure, "Whatever gets ya off baby". The dream goes on like this for some time...
I eventually woke up and found that my cat had hoped onto my bed and was licking my hand.