Oh Brummie - you know us ladies would lick your palms anytime!
Oh wait, your the kitty.............
by Elsewhere 26 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Brummie - you know us ladies would lick your palms anytime!
Oh wait, your the kitty.............
Oh wait, your the kitty.............
You spoil me
It's a sure case of moving to India for a job, owning a bearded lady and getting rich off her talents ... ?
BTW Brummie, I like a guy kitty in a tie and nothing else.
Else: This dream is a solid proof that your soul mate is a female saskwatch.
yep demonzzzzzz
don't just wash the cat BURN IT
and burn your bed, your computer, your TV...heck, burn the whole dam house.
Stacy Smith told me that you are a nice person but very very sick.I don't know.You seem quite normal to me.
Besides,what happens between you and kitty in the privacy of you own bedroom is really nobodys business.
I swear, I didn't touch the kittie!!!
oh yes you did Curly Toes!!
Why was it the cat never came out of the room the other night, eh??
C'mon man ...'fess up!!
oh my!
I eventually woke up and found that my cat had hoped onto my bed and was licking my hand.
I want to know what was on your hand, and just what REALLY went on in those bushes with that slutty little indian girl! Your a nasty man!