Ruby do you think the 55% that go back is a hunch or a wild guess? you've not quoted any sources to confirm this, their own worldwide reports especially in Europe/Australia/USA/Japan and many more first world nations show that their growth is so minimal its laughable , how many nations have reported zero/minimal and negative growth rates? how many countries are consolidating and liquidating and merging KH's? how much real estate in terms of branch facilities and KH's have they sold off in recent years? 55% return rate is very substantial amount indeed and would reflect that they are a booming group in regards of new recruits also, I think you've just plucked this 55% figure out of thin air, I believe there is a far easier and genuine stat if you search for those that have/are leaving and are never returning ,in my earlier post I mentioned the amount of exjw's from my age group that left during the 1980's/90's and I cant think of any of them why have returned and it is quite a substantial figure indeed, I believe like me you are UK based, that would contradict your "55%" return rate with just the group of people I know which if I put my mind to it would probably be a good 200 or so.
Over 300 DFed apparently went to a northern U.K R.C!
by Isambard Crater 68 Replies latest jw experiences
Regarding increased security, and comparisions with the OP's Liverpool Convention and say, the Brighton Convention
TBH, I think a lot has to do with the LOCATION.
Liverpool's Convention is in an indoor arena located on the waterfront in the Albert Docks area, immediately adjacent to the city centre (it's a ten minute walk from the John Lewis department store et al) - and the Arena is right next to a handful of major tourist and cultural attractions including:
The Albert Dock (shops and restaurants)
The Liverpool Tate (huge art gallery)
If it's a sunny weekend, there are LOTS of people walking about.
In COMPLETE contrast - the Brighton Convention is held in an outdoor sports stadium that is located virtually in the middle of nowhere surrounded by green fields, with just the University of Sussex Campus (Falmer) on one side. It is over four miles from Brighton itself.
While they both need security - the level and type of security will be different - as this thread has shown.
DarkSpliver Totally agree, given the Manchester attacks I think they wouldn't have been allowed to hire the building and let just anyone walk in. Those days are gone in city centres in the UK.
If you include everyone not an active publisher - DF, family pressured ones and the socializers 300 is a reasonable number.
TBH, I think a lot has to do with the LOCATION.
This is true however it doesn't stop the club doing pat down searches of everyone attending a football game there - up to 33k people as opposed to <10k dubs.While they both need security - the level and type of security will be different - as this thread has shown.
From other reports it would seem some venues were more serious in how they took security than others which is slightly odd as normally the WTS is pretty consistent in how it applies instructions so I am a little surprised the attendants are Brighton were not more vigilant but hey ho...If you include everyone not an active publisher - DF, family pressured ones and the socializers 300 is a reasonable number.
Yup - I guess 300 such people across 10k or so is reasonable even if pretty time consuming to process. -
James Mixon
Terrorist if they have any knowledge about JW's they will conclude theses people are as dangerous as our organization, they are causing chaos through out the world. They are doing a great job...
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Even if 300 people did go unless they start giving money to the watchtower it wont really be of any use because with all the cuts that have been these past years have shown the watchtoer need money rather than just people filling seats
Pete Zahut
There's a high number of battered women who return to their batterers and studies show this is primarily because they somehow are convinced that they were partly to blame.
In my experience, I think it's safe to say that most DF'd JW's on some level are still victims of the cult and are often convinced that they deserved to be disfellowshipped and shunned.
If this rumor about the high return of DF'd ones is true, it's obvious they aren't returning out of love for God. They are returning for self serving reasons.(can't blame them). Not only do they literally loose all their friends and family, they still erroneously believe that their eternal life hangs in the balance as well.
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If this rumor about the high return of DF'd ones is true...
100% sure it's not. 300 DFed people returning to a convention. No way. 300 DFed people would be 3 or 4 per congregation attending. Not. A. Chance.
This is at best 300 (and it might not even be that high) people who didn't bring badges for one reason or another getting told to report to the attendants office and get one. The majority of them would have been dubs who didn't get one, unbelieving mates, studies, inactive ones and so on. Some would have been Dfed for sure but a small minority.
Peter Zahut, excellent points.
Returning to JW organization is no more an indication of 'coming to one's senses' than is a battered woman returning to her abuser.
It is more about a sense of "learned helplessness" (Google that term) and re-submitting to power and control for doing so seems the lesser of two evils from the battered individual's perspective.