Watchtower Attorneys Stumped

by jst2laws 45 Replies latest forum announcements

  • jst2laws

    Today, October 6, in Manchester Tennessee the Court considered the Motion to Dismiss petitioned by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in the case of Anderson Vs Watchtower. During the hearing for the first time ever the Watchtower attorneys were stumped, at a loss for words, silence in the courtroom for what seemed like a 'millennium'. STUMPED...............SILENT....................

    1 If you want to know over what question they were stumped or 2 if you know of a victim of molestation who was silenced or disfellowshipped for speaking up

    Call Edward Bell, Attorney at Law, at 1-843-546-2408 Jst2laws

  • hillary_step


    I heard that this was coming. At last a lawyer who knows what 'due diligence' actually means. This is just the beginning, hopefully the start of something much bigger than the WTS is capable of manipulating. I suspect that the WTS will think seriously of outsourcing for legal help if it begins to feel outgunned on these types of issues.

    Maybe they need some advice from O. J. Simpson......

    Keep well - HS

  • StinkyPantz

    Good to hear. . btw, do you know the question Steve?!?! Tell me!!

  • jst2laws


    At last a lawyer who knows what 'due diligence' actually means

    I think you are right. Giving out his phone number like this may be an indication. I do not know much detail but I think this team already has the WT worried. Hope they get some response from members of the board who can add something to their case.


  • SixofNine

    Well, you have my attention Steve. Will this guy really welcome a call just to answer my curiosity?

    Waiting pationtly.

  • yesidid

    What is this about???????

    Please give a little detail. Please, please.


  • Mulan

    More information please. I don't understand what you are asking for?

    Were the WT lawyers stumped or the Anderson lawyers?

  • jst2laws

    I am not at liberty to comment on this yet. The hearing was today. The Judge will come back within 30 days to render his decision regarding the WT's motion to dismiss. This is at a very early stage.

    I will say the judge asked the Watchtower Attorney (in this case not hired legal representation but an actual Brooklyn Watchtower attorney) a very pertinent question. It took a looooonnnnggg time for him to come up with a response. It was a tough moment for them.

    All I can say for now. If someone wants to call tomorrow I cannot garantee you will reach Mr. Bell directly but this is the way he wants to handle it. Sorry


  • StinkyPantz


    Tease. .. .

  • yesidid

    Thanks Steve,

    I guess Bell has thought about other exJW sites and forums.

    I am sure they would all help out.

    Thanks for keeping us informed.


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