My conclusion is, I hope this site is :-
A) FIRST about solving PRACTICAL problems of people leaving the W.T,
b) secondly about if God exists or Not.
So what have I learnt since reading my first posts from 6 months ago?
Well I am embarresed and amazed how I have progressed.( embarresed my spelling is still shit and amazed if my threads are still read) But more importantly I have learnt, it doesn't matter what we believe, what is important is that we can believe what we believe and respectfully be challenged. And my only rule is my words and thoughts are not by a dictator that says you must wear my "SWASTIKA"
So whilst Cofty, D.J.S, Slimboyfat, and others, MAY LEAVE ME MORE "CONFUSED" THAN EVER, with their thinking, I do appreciate, the effort they have made to a stranger in hyperspace. And the truth is I couldn't write to any of my " former" friends in the congregation with such honesty as I can on the internet. ( that would have been crossing THE NAZI LINE.)
So my final point is that we can't all express our thoughts, anymore than I the writer can even understood what I wrote, nor can I presume to understand that people can understand what I have written?
So how can truth and facts express itself in letters?
At least we are not FORCED to listen ,and put our HANDS up in public and READ, as we were in W.T land, ( particularly when we new it was bullshit)
So my question, how have you changed since your first post, on this site?
The Rebel