My journey here has strangely been in the exact opposite direction of most members of this forum.
I came here 8 years ago knowing virtually nothing about Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Watchtower. Now I know a huge amount.
My bible knowledge, although still very scant, is 1000% better than it was prior to signing up here.
I'm still a Humanist but have learnt more here about the psychology of belief than in any book. And I have especially learned a lot about the emotional effects of being in a cult.
Last Saturday I chatted at the door with a JW mum and teenage daughter for 25minutes, and evaluating afterwards, I was pleased that my approach and technique has improved vastly since I first joined the forum and I now have much more success in getting them to think.
So while most have been getting away from the JW cult, I've been.... not exactly getting into it, more like getting on top of it (to help squash it!)