Overt Use Of Certain Words.

by Englishman 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • tinkerbell82

    i use facetious a lot in conversation. i'm more mindful of what i say when i have to type it out, but when i'm speaking it flies out of my mouth way too much. and i say charming too much as well.

    ugh but my three worst offenses are my cali phrases: "dude", "mega", and "hella". i make a conscious effort not to say them, but dude, it's mega hard. like, really hella difficult. :P

  • shamus

    LMAO, Tinkerbell! You're hella stupid!

    I'm going to Hinton today to buy some stuff. It's gonna be hella cool! Then I'm going up to the Jasper hot springs and soak, and it's gonna be hella sweet!

    Love, Shamus.

  • tinkerbell82
    LMAO, Tinkerbell! You're hella stupid!

    LOL @ shamus. dude, that's a hella good pickup line (ew i didnt put dude in there facetiously, that was a genuine dude, i just proved my point :P). next time some mega cute chick tells you she thinks your glasses are hella cute, you should fully say that!!

    yeah, "fully" is another california-ism. i think.

  • sens

    Tink...thats so hella cool....eric cartmans favorite word...

  • shamus


    You're hella cool! So are you, tink! You guys hella rock!

    I'm off! I'm going to go soak in those sweet hella cool hotsprings... if they're still open! They're up around 2,000 metres... hella high!

    Keep hella cool everyone!

    Love, Shamus!

  • tinkerbell82

    LOL sens i totally forgot cartman says hella...it seems normal to me 'cause practically everyone here says it, it's a hella Northern Californian expression. my SoCal friends think i am a geek when i say it.

  • Vivamus

    I have NO idea what ya talking about E-man...


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • sens

    Lmao Tink & Shamus...is all so hella cool...

    ((tink)) hope u feel better soon btw ...*hugz*

  • Englishman


    One entry found for rumbustious.

    Main Entry: rum·bus·tious
    Pronunciation: "r&m-'b&s-ch&s
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: alteration of robustious
    Date: 1778
    chiefly British : RAMBUNCTIOUS
    - rum·bus·tious·ly adverb, chiefly British
    - rum·bus·tious·ness noun, chiefly British

    One entry found for rodomontade.

    Main Entry: ro·do·mon·tade
    Pronunciation: "rä-d&-m&n-'tAd, "rO-, -'täd
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle French, from Italian Rodomonte, character in Orlando Innamorato by Matteo M. Boiardo
    Date: 1612
    1 : a bragging speech
    2 : vain boasting or bluster : RANT
    - rodomontade adjective

    One entry found for specious.

    Main Entry: spe·cious
    Pronunciation: 'spE-sh&s
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Middle English, visually pleasing, from Latin speciosus beautiful, plausible, from species
    Date: 1513
    1 obsolete : SHOWY
    2 : having deceptive attraction or allure
    3 : having a false look of truth or genuineness : SOPHISTIC
    - spe·cious·ly adverb
    - spe·cious·ness noun


  • stillajwexelder

    defenestration -- ostentatious - replete

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