Man vs. Woman

by somebody 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    If the WBTS INC have done anything, they have insutled MEN JUST AS they have insulted WOMEN. While they implied that women are evil and always trying to induce man into evil, they have implied that men's brains are in their genitals. In that that view, the WBTS are part of this world. And the ole COWS AND BULLS article should speak volumes.

    I think all you men should speak up !

  • ApagaLaLuz

    What? Men's brains arent in their genital's? no no, I think WTBTS is actually right about this one.

    ;) j/k

  • StinkyPantz

    Chevy said it before I could.

  • sens


  • somebody

    I guess men were created to follow the lead and not take the lead in certain circumstances in life. If there is a female around, then being the HEAD brings on a whole different meaning!

  • Maverick

    That reminded me of that old joke about Adam and Eve.

    After God gave Eve to Adam, Adam went off to ask God some questions. "God, about this person your brought to me?" "Yes", replied God. "Why did you make her all soft and round and stuff?" "That way you would like her." came Gods responce. "Yes but, why did you make her so dumb?" To which God stated,"That way she would like YOU!" Maverick

  • heathen

    Men are from mars and women are from venus . How come men always get the planet where all the scary monsters come from ? lol ( homer simpson)

  • Descender

    Reminds me of the time I met with the elders the second time I got disfellowshipped. They were trying to get me to admit to having sex with a girl. I said, no I hadn't had sex with her even though she was half naked. one of the elders said, "oh come on, none of us here would have been able to control ourselves in that situation, you expect us to believe that you could."

    I never admited to anything and got disfellowshipped anyway for unclean conduct.

  • blaid

    Actually....Im a 'lesser' on in the congregation now that ive been reproved. Now EVERYONE thinks they are better than me...not just other guys, lol, now its the women too, the 14 year old prebucent teenage girls think they have something on me. Stupid freaking religion.

  • Gopher

    Wow, Descender!!

    one of the elders said, "oh come on, none of us here would have been able to control ourselves in that situation, you expect us to believe that you could."

    So the elders told on themselves, those dirty bastards, LOL.

    Actually I was confronted with much the same thing, except for the half-naked part. By merely being alone with someone, I was told, it showed guilt. Because nobody could possibly resist the temptation unless they were Jesus Christ himself!!

    Like you, I admitted nothing -- and got DF'd for lying. (So -- what happened to the "two witness" rule before the congregation can take action?? Just get on the wrong side of the elders, and they'll get you. Every time.)

    Like the first post says, the WT and its robotic elders deny the humanity and dignity of both men and women.

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