Man vs. Woman

by somebody 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad
    Reminds me of the time I met with the elders the second time I got disfellowshipped. They were trying to get me to admit to having sex with a girl. I said, no I hadn't had sex with her even though she was half naked. one of the elders said, "oh come on, none of us here would have been able to control ourselves in that situation, you expect us to believe that you could."

    LOL what morons

  • rocketman

    Men and women are not trusted in that religion, as evidenced by Descender's experience. That's a big reason why jws are told to avoid R-rated movies and even romance novels, let alone porn.

    I never liked being the idea suspected of immoral thoughts if all I wanted was some time alone w my jw girlfriend (back when I was dating), or in field service alone with a sister (I got a phone call from a 'concerned' elder afterward).

  • drwtsn32
    "oh come on, none of us here would have been able to control ourselves in that situation, you expect us to believe that you could."

    LOL!! That is so pathetic! You know, that's why it's wise for a single sister to sit in the back seat when a single brother is driving and no one else is in the car. If they both sit in the front seat, sex is unavoidable!!

  • heathen

    I don't know how anyone can tolerate that kind of mentality . It's like a friggen witch hunt for christs sake ( suddenly the monty python holy grail movie comes to mind ) HOOOOOOOOwwwwwww do we know you're a witch ??????????

  • DakotaRed

    It has often been said that God, in his infinite wisdom, gave males two brains, just not enough blood to use both at the same time. Guess they finally saw it's true?

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