Is there a particular belief/doctrine that really burns you up and makes you wonder how people could believe this, and did you as a loyal JW at one time believe in it (your most hated belief), what made you change your mind ???
For me, I always enjoy reading the history of the Watchtower (1879-1974), and how things constantly change from year to year.
The Sodom and Gomorrah question is hilarious , how many publications say no they won't and how many say yes they will, and the best is the yes and no answers came out the same year in different books/magazines.
I asked my brother (elder) on the constant JW changes and how he can accept this, (now understand he is a lifer and lives for the organization, so the answer he gave does NOT suprise me)
He said : "well, the Catholic church has said they made mistakes and doesn't change their ideas because of tradition.", he then goes on to say : "when Daniel was writing his book, he told God he does not understand what he is writing and it doesn't make sense, this is Daniel, Jehovah is telling him what to write and he did not understand fully, so who are we to question the full understanding of the scriptures, when the time is right Jehovah gives us new understanding, at least the Watchtower admits mistakes and corrects them."
Now before you all fall off your chair from laughter and disgust, what kind of answer did you expect from a JW lifer.
My comeback : "well, Daniel was one person, his book is still read today and believed and repected by millions, but Daniel was just one person, how do you explain, the Watchtower organization (god's channel), a faithful and discreet slave class, a governing body, an annoited class of 9,000 or so, we are not talking about one person like Daniel, are you trying to tell me that all 9000 (more or less) can't understand God, or that the time isn't right !!! and if these are the last days and Armageddon is around the corner as preached by the Watchtower, isn't the time right NOW, are the wrong publications still read, respected, and believed today ???, I want you to pull out the 1984 Watchtower entitled "1914, the generation that will not pass away", read it cover to cover, meditate on it (always hated that saying when I was growing up a JW), and call me back and explain what they said, and the changes that have occured since then, it's only 19 years, in closing, will the Watchtowers you are reading today, still be useful in 25-50 years or will the information all be changed again to fit the times."
I other question I asked him, that kind of stumped him was "If someone is df'd, or removed because of something they believe in, and the Watchtower changes their tune later, say 20 years down the road, and it turns out what this person was removed for was right, what is done then ???"
Well, for the first time I can remember I stumped him, the conversation ended in a stalemate.
So what is your biggest disagreement with a JW belief, blood, 1914, colored shirts, beards ???