SBF - the financial collapse took place in 2008. Do we know when they started planning Warwick and when they reached the point of no return where they were stuck with building it? I'm thinking it was after 2008 but given the fact that they aren't transparent with their financial matters, its really difficult to say. Is that an assumption you are making or do you have information to the contrary? I would love to see it if that's the case.
Also, I think the exit from Brooklyn was a net gain. Again, I'm not sure of the cost at Warwick and we can piece the Brooklyn stuff together. It's the scale of Warwick that catches my attention. They could have and if they had any business sense, should have, downsized greatly but that doesn't seem to be the case. If they had moved into a 4,000 square foot office building with 100 apartnements, then I would agree they are desperate. But, again they haven't proved themselves decent business people so maybe they are that stupid to overextend when they didn't have to.
Agree that there have been many branch closings but again, I see that as right sizing. Does every country in the EU need a branch? No, its a waste of money. Again, overbuilding based on the growth rate in the 80s-early 90s and when the growth slowed way down, they were overextended. Seems easy to cut the fat there.
I think in the early days, their business model did rely on book/mag sales, but print media as a sole source of revenue is a terrible business model today. As Morpheus points out, they want to separate the flock from their case, doesn't matter how. Certainly JWs were the chief source of any revenue they got from literature sales. They did screw up on going to a donation basis because they wrongly assumed that JWs would decide to contribute to the world wide work + what they contributed for literature. By offering freely, they devalued the literature and JWs simply didn't see the point of donating twice. I know when I was a believer, I didn't increase my donations when they stopped charging for literature. Of course, my experience may not be normal.
There's lots of fat left to cut. They are a poorly run organization that doesn't understand basic business and are deluded into thinking God is going to take care of them. He's not!
By the way, the WCOG STILL EXISTS! Much smaller and completely changed their beliefs but they are still around. As much as I want the WTS to blow up overnight and would be the first to dance on their graves, barring a black swan event, it's not going to happen anytime soon.
It will be a slow, death by a thousand cuts and I would wager that JWs as a religion will outlive me. I wish to be wrong on that, but crazy religious tend to stick around.