Sounds good -- can't wait to see some photos.
Assembly Attendence
by Riley 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
road to nowhere
Do you realize terrorists take photos for planning? Roping makes the seating seem fuller. And There have to be 2 attendants for each section.
With the beard mess how will they spot apostates?
IMO, the half-filled venues are the biggest indicators that the Org is fudging their numbers.
Back in the day, assemblies and conventions were packed to the rafters.
I agree re/scant number of bodies in attendance at conventions but not sure they're collapsing (unfortunately) soon. We've all read churches are packed/folding - it can't be both and WT holding good in comparison. Not sure that's true in US. Maybe folks just stay comfy and watch the TV evangelizers like they do NASCAR. Hard to tell with no PIMOs in mainstreamer churches. Compared to the early 90s the attendance is sparse.
Beth Sarim
" with the beard mess how will they spot apostates?"
Ironically,, apostates could be the most clean-shaven.
That would be amazing.
How many people are paying attention to information they receiving? My mother is a pimi. Visited assembly. She said most people either walking around assembly hall or playing with mobil phones 🤣. I don't blame them. You bet if its zoomed most gonna be doing other things will video playing in the background. I don't really see any point for watchtower having assembly anymore. It's probably cause donations they continue this.
Beth Sarim
A$$emblies are a cash,,cow!!
I live in Long Beach. There are usually 12-13 conventions during the summer. English, Spanish and a vibrant Asian community is around here, so multiple groups would be meeting in various convention rooms.
I love to hear the attendance is soooo low. YAY!!!!