Jehovah’s Witness dating rules

by Addison0998 34 Replies latest social relationships

  • smiddy3

    I`m sorry but I cant take this post seriously !

    You are both in your early twenty`s ? And your carrying on like 12 year old`s ?

    You say you don`t believe the religion so why are you still under their control ?

    If your b.f. is then dump him he`s not a man.

    If your still living at home move out and live your own life ,free to do whatever you want ,however the key word here is FREE.

    I can`t believe you have been here 6 months claim to be an atheist /agnostic and you post this crap at your age.?

    Sometimes being blunt is the only cure.

  • BluesBrother

    "Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year in half, we are in our early 20’s, and we are still not allowed to hold hands, cuddle or kiss"

    In those circumstances, the strict rules are ridiculous and as far as I know, go beyond what the WTS has actually said. There are rules for younger ones having a few dates but real courtship is recognised as different.

    In my day the rules were there but nobody kept them

    If you were to announce an engagement, on the personal egreement that it was a sham, that might buy a little more freedom.. If the one with the most demanding parents were to move out of the home into a flat, that might help....

    No doubt the cong. Would say it is the parent's conscience that applies.

    I would obtain all the articles about dating, some go back a bit. Carefully read what the Society really says and that must be the rule book.

    Good luck.

  • SlappySlap

    Hi, first of all excuse my english. Act as you like while it's moraly and biblicaly correct. If anyone reproach anything to you, ask politely if what he tells you is from the Bible or not. If it is not, you can answer : so what's the problem and you leave.

    You must show that you are not afraid of anybody in the congregation and be stronger than anyone in your way thinking. They will try once, twice then if you are firm in your position and are sure of what you want they will leave you.

  • dozy

    The parents of one girl I dated used to insist his daughter wore gloves so we wouldn't have any "physical contact" when holding hands. Her father had "the chat" with me before I was even allowed to take her ( with chaperone , of course ) to the cinema for the first date about "what my intentions were." I said that we liked each other a lot and "if things worked out , we would get engaged " and he said "how do you mean - if things work out - aren't you serious about this?" Her parents were uber controlling self-righteous JWs and eventually I just called off the relationship as , frankly , I didn't want the hassle any more. Sad as she was a pretty and sweet girl and we got on really well.

    One day a couple of years ago I decided to look her up on Facebook ( I didn't contact her - just spying!) - she is still unmarried to this day , sadly - at 40something as a single woman in the Organisation , she has very little chance of getting married now and her hope of a family has gone.

    Nowadays - from what I see among younger JWs - there is a lot of "double life" dating going on behind the elders and parents backs- especially easy nowadays with social media , smartphones , Skype etc.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    No JWs in their early twenties follow all the stupid rules set by parents or elders or their busybody wives when they are in lust with eachother. Where there is a will there is a way. There are those who get caught, and there are those that don’t.

    You should fuck at a minimum 5 men before you even think of marriage. It is just that important. You can be blinded by affections only to find out your life is one giant sexual frustration when you marry the guy that you didn’t test out or you marry a guy with no other experiences to measure him with.

    Just do it. Go out of town on some false pretense (cover your ass) and be the adults you are. Then do it again as many times as you want.

    Then when it’s out of your system, you won’t feel forced to marry just to get laid.

    Or do it again with someone new.

    Don’t become some guys masturbatory tool on your wedding night.

  • ttdtt
    You should fuck at a minimum 5 men before you even think of marriage. It is just that important. You can be blinded by affections only to find out your life is one giant sexual frustration when you marry the guy that you didn’t test out or you marry a guy with no other experiences to measure him with.

    GOOD ADVICE - Fuck 5 girls if you are a guy though :)

    Do you sense a pattern to almost EVERY answer to your question?

  • tiki

    It is so wrong. If you are 21 or older you are adults and can make your own decisions. One of the most important part of your life...finding an appropriate life partner is something you need freedom to do as you determine. I personally would never want a son or daughter to marry someone they had never been alone with. Its just not possible to know this is the right person for you without taking time...spending time alone together...and as the two of you decide. The religion promotes bad marriages by not allowing people to explore their more ways than one.

  • nugget

    In the old youth book it was suggested that dates take place in public places such as museums and galleries. That way you can be with your boyfriend but not alone. It is ridiculous that you have no opportunity to discuss things that will be important to you both. IT is also ridiculous that you can not spend time in each others company. There are many people outside the organisation who go on adult dates which don't end in sex. If you want to stand by the principles of no sex before marriage that is up to you however do not let this fear of doing something wrong mean that you end up marrying someone to have sex and failing to ensure that this person is someone you can truly be your partner in life.

  • Xanthippe

    My sister married a guy who didn't want sex with her at all. She ended up so desperate she had sex with a stranger. She was the one publicly reproved not him. He might be gay or asexual, not marriage material, not to a woman anyway. Of course being a JW she didn't find out until they were married. She's been miserable with him for over forty years. Don't do that!

  • Bad_Wolf
    My sister married a guy who didn't want sex with her at all. She ended up so desperate she had sex with a stranger. She was the one publicly reproved not him. He might be gay or asexual, not marriage material, not to a woman anyway. Of course being a JW she didn't find out until they were married. She's been miserable with him for over forty years. Don't do that!

    Wow, how old was he? I usually hear that about females in younger years then it reverses as get older. I knew of one guy who married a virgin and was married to her for about 20 years. First time they had sex she didn't like it, said it felt like poop or something. They only did it 2 or 3 times in their entire marriage. Another guy got married so he could have sex w/ his gf, and he told me later one he was lucky if he got laid once a month. (Those were all JWs) when I got out, I started to hear about guys. Females in 40s to 60's who never get anything from their husbands.

    I say live with who you intend to marry. Then you'll have a good idea if you are sexually compatible. If both are in the mood or dtf and no stress on that level it's good. If one is always feeling pressuring or too much or too little then won't be good.

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