I almost got slugged - not sure what to do next

by DanTheMan 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mac

    5'3".........hell....I'd flip him like a bottle cap!!!!!!


  • Xandria

    Politics... can't seem to get away from it. Ok this .. little pip squeek is the Mayor's son.. right. Film the game and if he gets out of line.. slip a copy of the tape to his dad. Tell him~ his son reflects upon him. Believe me that crap will end fast. Especially if~ Dad is fronting him money, favors, etc. The behavior has developed because people cater to him because he is the "mayor's" son.

    I am not a respector of a person's "Status". Their inner person is what speaks to me.

    I would continue to play.


  • Scully


    I like the idea of having someone videotape the next game your teams play against each other. That way there's documentary evidence if this guy pulls any stupid stunts or tries to start something with you.

    The other thing I'm wondering about is whether this guy - being the mayor's son - has been cut way too much slack for way too long regarding his inappropriate behaviour due to who his daddy is. Maybe a trip out behind the barn will help him cool his jets a bit. He is the kind of "little guy" bully that gets away with far too much crap.

    Do the coaches or refs ever do random drug testing in your league?? Just a thought....

    Love, Scully

  • Mutz

    Speaking for myself, if he happened to be there I'd do the comic fall thing again just to make sure he got the message that I thought he was a plonker.

  • DanTheMan

    Part of the problem with this league is that the guys refereeing the games are both 16 year old kids that play on the local high school team. Kids reffing adults is a bad idea, they are reluctant to call fouls and would be helpless if a fight broke out. That is another reason that I don't want to play in this league anymore, the lack of tight officiating is causing the games to get out of hand. Like I said before, you can't believe how seriously people take these games. For me, rec soccer is a chance to make friends and get exercise. But some of the people out there think it's the World Cup or something.

    Videotaping the match is out unless I want to get a camcorder and tripod and do it myself.

    This episode has dredged up some painful memories. I wasn't THE picked on kid or anything, but I took my share of bullying growing up.

  • Maverick

    Let me tell you a secret about short guys. If a short guy is a little macho wacko he has a little, ity, bity weenie and he is trying to make up for it. If he is an easy going, confidant type he is well hung and has nothing to prove. So pass the word to your buddies and make little signs and stuff when he is around. Y-all will have a good laugh and he will avoid you! Maverick, 5'5" and smiling!

  • xjw_b12


    Controversy does seem to follow you around

    Maybe you should take up Chess, or even Solitaire.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    Show this weasel some pics of your 'brothers' - animal, yerusalym, and Mr. Kim. Maybe avashi. Oh, of course Brummie too.

    cheeses - of the peaceful loving kind.

  • expatbrit


    Buy a good pair of shinpads and play, damnit!

    And if short-stuff mixes it up, well the old "sorry ref I was trying to head the ball and didn't mean to smear his nose over his face" move is a good one to remember.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Teenagers ref'ing a game with adult players? No wonder this guy is over the top. And no wonder nothing has been done about him. Plus, he has Daddy's connections.

    I have ref'ed a few game for ten year old boys and I maded it clear to the parents if they, or their children, start to act up, they are out of there.

    Men like him have, what I like to call, "Banty Rooster Disorder". A Banty rooster is a small breed of chicken that can be very aggressive. The roosters are always looking to fight. My friend calls it "Short Man's Syndrome". For what they lack in height, they attempt to make up for in just being a obnoxious creten.

    Sounds like this guy needs a good thumpin. However, I can understand you not wanting to tangle with this moron.

    I would play, but not intentionally provoke this guy. It can make you look like an as*hole.

    What is it about soccer that brings out the worst in people. My daughter played for four years. And I coached for two. The things I saw and this was at little girl's games. Some people just completely lose prespective on what is important. To me, it's rather pathetic. When my team would lose a game (which was rare) I would remind them that next year they wouldn't even remember the game, let alone losing.

    Scully, as always, has some really great ideas. The videotape one should be considered seriously.

    A co-worker of mine just nailed some neighbor woman for abusing her kids because she was able to secretly videotape it when the creep threw huge rocks at them in the woman's front yard, knocking the kids down. A picture is worth a thousand words.


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