Looks like the website is Nigerian?
Russia to liquidate Jehovah's Witnesses' organization
by processor 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals
A Nigerian tabloid with 305 Twitter followers. I'm not holding my breath.
So very many fake news outlets on the web. Until credible updated news sources are cited, this thread should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Fake news thrives on getting at least some of the original story correct, but then deviating into pure speculation in the form of "real news" prose. You read something that appears factual - butbjs nust the writer's guesswork or complete fabrications.
Nigerian? Maybe his rich uncle is a jw trying to get his millions out of the country. Lololol
Bad news for everyone. Can't Trump have a word with his friend Putin?
If JWs start decreasing in numbers they'll probably blame it on the Russia ban.
@sbf, well, that would result in a decrease. But since numbers are down across Europe anyway, how would that sentiment be anything more than a pity party? -
Man is this fake news. What on earth is going on completely Trumpified.
You would think that by now politicians would have learned that persecution only encourages religious fanaticism. It's history's most obvious lesson.
Fakenews! Trump a victim of fake news... now the Watchtower.