Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-12-03 WT Study

by blondie 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-12-03 WT Study

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes will be in

    red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources will be in




    You are my hope, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah, my confidence from my youth."

    -PSALM 71:5. (NWT)

    You keep me going when times are tough--
    my bedrock, GOD, since my childhood .--Psalm 71:5 (MSG)

    O Lord, you alone are my hope.
    I've trusted you, O LORD, from childhood
    .--Psalm 71:5 (NLT)

    Opening Comments

    This article has been hard to review, not because of its content but its lack of content. The WTS goal is not apparent until the last few paragraphs. But think of these three words, organization, trust, and thinking. The message is an old one.

    WTS (organization) = Jehovah (Jesus is conspicuously scarce here)

    Jehovah = Trust

    Trust = WTS (organization)

    Jehovah's thoughts = WTS thoughts


    The Philistine giant Goliath taunted the army of Israel, challenging them to send a champion out to fight him. Finally, the challenge was accepted not by a soldier, but by a mere youth. The shepherd boy David was dwarfed by his opponent. Why, he may have weighed less than Goliath's armor and weapons! Still, the youth faced the giant and became an enduring symbol of courage. -1 Samuel 17:1-51.

    What gave David such courage??David had trusted in Jehovah implicitly?Whereas Goliath's confidence was in his great strength and in his weaponry, David's confidence was in Jehovah

    A familiar Bible story for many, young and old. But does David's confidence in God translate in confidence in a human organization? Did David have confidence in the secular and religious organizations of his day?

    Overcoming a Common Obstacle to Confidence in Jehovah

    What hinders people from putting their confidence in God? All too often, some are confused about why bad things happen. Many are taught that God is responsible for suffering. When a tragedy strikes, clergymen may say that God "took" the victims to be with him in heaven.

    Where are their examples or proof? I did an informal survey and called 7 ministers or priests, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Friends (Quakers), LDS (Mormons), Episcopalian (Anglican) and asked if God had chosen those people to die or if it was an accident; if God is responsible for suffering. I was told without exception that God was not responsible for suffering and that God was not responsible for "taking" people before their time (old age).

    Furthermore, many religious leaders teach that God long ago predestined every event - including every tragedy and wicked deed - that takes place in this world.

    Where are their examples or proof? Actually, the WTS teaches a "weak predestination" in regard to groups, such as the 144,000.

    Reasoning from the Scriptures p 143-4 Fate

    Does not the apostle Paul speak of Christians as being "predestinated"?

    Rom. 8:28, 29: "We know that God makes all his works cooperate together for the good of those who love God, those who are the ones called according to his purpose; because those whom he gave his first recognition he also foreordained ["predestinated," KJ] to be patterned after the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers." (Also Eph. 1:5, 11) Yet, to these same ones, 2 Peter 1:10 says: "Do your utmost to make the calling and choosing of you sure for yourselves; for if you keep on doing these things you will by no means ever fail." (If the individuals were predestinated to salvation, they could not possibly fail, regardless of what they did. Since effort is required on the part of the individuals, it must be the class that is foreordained. God purposed that the entire class would conform to the pattern set by Jesus Christ. Those selected by God to be part of that class, however, must prove faithful if they are actually to attain the reward set before them.)

    One reason for human suffering is that Satan wants to break the integrity of Jehovah's faithful people?Thus, he often foments persecution.

    This WTS concept explains why many JWs see demons in every action and object.

    A second reason for suffering is found in this principle: "Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap." (Galatians 6:7) Some-times people sow by making bad choices and reap a measure of suffering as a consequence?choose to drive recklessly, resulting in an accident. Many choose to smoke cigarettes, leading to heart disease or lung cancer. Those who choose to engage in immoral sexual conduct risk suffering ruined family relationships, loss of self-respect, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. People may seek to blame God (the WTS) for such suffering, but they are actually the victims of their own bad decisions. -Proverbs 19:3.And who is responsible for these bad choices: Not getting married because the end is near only to miss out on marriage and dying alone and the end is not yet. Not having children and struggling to take care of yourself and your spouse in your older years. Not saving for the future, planning for retirement, not buying a home, not getting a good education. Why because the WTS "strongly suggested" that spiritual people would make these choices.

    A third reason for suffering is stated at Ecclesiastes 9:11: "I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all." Sometimes, people are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time?No, Jehovah (the WTS) is not to blame for such suffering. Why Does Jehovah Allow Suffering?

    "The eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation
    (per WTS humans ) was subjected to futility
    ; not by its own will but through him (per WTS God) that subjected it, on the basis of hope that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God (per WTS this is the 144,000 only yet all humans included in 'creation') . For we know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now."-Romans 8:19-22"All creation," then, can refer only to mankind. This is the creation that is affected by sin and death because of the rebellion in Eden and that lives in desperate need of hope. -Romans 5:12.

    In sentencing the rebels, Jehovah, in effect, gave them what they asked for He allowed man to rule himself under the influence of Satan.

    Was this judgment of Adam and Eve fair? Compared to the thousands of years Satan had lived as an angel, what were the few years Adam and Eve had lived? They were tricked, deceived. BTW, Russell taught that Adam and Eve would be resurrected to live again on earth during the 1,000-year reign.

    Of course, this was not creation's "own will." We are born as slaves to sin and corruption without any choice in the matter But Jehovah in his mercy allowed Adam and Eve to live out their lives and bear offspring. Though we, their descendants, are subjected to the futility of sin and death, we have the opportunity to do what Adam and Eve failed to do. We can listen to Jehovah and learn that his sovereignty is righteous and ideal, while human rule apart from Jehovah brings only pain, frustration, and futility.

    Clearly, Jehovah had just reasons for subjecting mankind to futility.

    Is it clear?

    Does that mean, though, that Jehovah is the cause of the futility and suffering that afflict each one of us today?

    Well, think of a judge who pronounces a just sentence upon a criminal (so did each one of us choose to be criminals or are we the victims?) . The convict may suffer considerably while he serves out his sentence, but can he rightly blame the judge for being the cause of his suffering? By no means!

    If someone watches a child be abused and doesn't try to stop it, how are they different from the abuser?

    By meditating on these matters, let us refresh our understanding of them from time to time. That way, when we face trials, we will resist Satan's efforts to sow doubts in our minds.

    And what doubts is the WTS concerned about---improper handling of child abuse cases, being part of the 'scarlet-colored beast,' the UN, lying to secular governments regarding blood transfusion policies (Bulgaria)? Is the end coming in 1914, 1925, 1975 (or did it come invisibly and we are already living in paradise on earth?)

    What It Means to Trust in Jehovah

    Many have mistaken ideas about what it means to trust in Jehovah

    . Some think of such trust merely as a feeling, a kind of bliss-all emotion that should well up naturally in the heart. Others seem to believe that trusting in God means that we can expect him to shield us from every difficulty, to solve our every problem, to make every daily challenge turn out just as we hope -and right away!

    But such notions are unfounded. Trust is much more than a mere feeling, and it is not unrealistic. In adults, trust involves making conscious, reasoned decisions.

    WT 7/15/74 p 441

    "believes all things." This is not to imply that Christians are gullible. The point is that Christians have implicit trust in their heavenly Father; they do not question what he tells them through his written Word and organization.

    WT 8/1/67 p 467

    Unlike David, any brother who democratically arranges for a petition or openly complains against an appointed servant is showing a lamentable lack of trust and faith in Jehovah?s ability to oversee His organization. In effect, such a brother is saying that, since God is not handling the matter speedily enough, he will need to take action instead. What a shortsighted and immature way of viewing things! Jehovah does not always do things the way we think they should be done, but we can rest assured that they will be done properly and at the right time. So the thing to do is to wait upon Jehovah, keep busy in service, lovingly help our brothers, and encourage respect for the theocratic arrangement of things. Any other hasty action would undermine respect for theocratic authority and would cause much spiritual damage to the congregation.

    WT 5/1/60 p 260

    In particular should all those dedicated Christians in the New World society examine themselves when tempted to murmur. Jehovah was leading his organization before we ever became a part of it; so let us humbly put our faith and trust in him and in the instruments he has chosen to act as overseers in various capacities. If conditions really do need correcting, have patience and faith that God will correct them in his due time. In the meantime, do not make yourself and others unhappy by murmuring.

    But on what do we lean, or depend? If our thinking
    fails to harmonize with Jehovah's (The WTS) , do we accept his wisdom for what it is infinitely superior to ours? (Isaiah 55:8, 9) To trust in Jehovah means to let his thinking guide our own.

    And how does the WTS feeling about "thinking"?

    WT 6/1/99 p 11 "Gifts in Men" to Care for Jehovah's Sheep

    As imperfect humans, we all need to be readjusted from time to time?to have our thinking, attitudes, or conduct brought "into proper alignment" with God?s thinking and will. Jehovah has lovingly provided "gifts in men" to help us make the needed adjustments.

    WT 6/1/98 p 13

    The promoting of human ideas and thinking not based solidly on God?s Word can pose a threat to Christian stability. We today must be wary of such threats. The apostle John urged: "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." (1 John 4:1)? even if a fellow believer voices critical, negative comments about others in the congregation based on his own opinion, do not just absorb what they say. Screen out what does not harmonize with God?s Word. (Good advice to apply to what elders and the WTS says.)

    WT 10/15/98 p 11

    Some 17 years after their return, God raised up the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to correct the thinking of his people.

    WT 1/15/97 p 9

    Using the Bible account of Gideon as a basis, this presentation drove home a powerful lesson?we must follow God?s instructions and not substitute our own thinking or try to sidestep theocratic counsel.

    WT 6/1/79 p 14-15

    With the pressure of the world increasing, vigilance is necessary to thwart its spirit in the congregation. The influence of the elders should promote the flow of God?s spirit. At times this may require ?readjusting? the thinking of some who become unbalanced.

    WT 6/1/66 p 324

    Today, too, there are those who, by their independent thinking, question Christ?s ability to have and use on the earth a specially appointed governing body of imperfect humans, to whom he has entrusted all the Kingdom interests or "belongings" on earth. (Matt. 24:45-47) When such independent thinkers receive counsel and direction based on the Bible, they incline to the thought, ?This is only from fleshly men, so it is up to me to decide whether to accept it or not.?

    WT 1/15/83 p 22

    How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God?s visible organization. For example, God?s organization has from time to time given warnings about listening to certain types of immoral and suggestive music, and about frequenting discos and other types of worldly dance halls where such music is played and people are known to engage in immoral conduct.WT 5/1/64 p 277-8

    It is through the columns of The Watchtower that Jehovah provides direction and constant Scriptural counsel to his people, and it requires careful study and attention to details in order to apply this information, to get a full understanding of the principles involved, and to assure ourselves of right thinking on these matters. built up in maturity of understanding.

    WT 2/1/99 p 13

    In order to mold us, Jehovah gives counsel from his Word and through his organization. Never resist such godly counsel!

    Think of a small child sitting in the backseat of a car, with his parents in front. His father is at the wheel. When difficulties arise during the journey - a question about the proper route or perhaps a problem with the weather or the condition of the road - how does an obedient, trusting child react? Does he shout directions from the backseat, telling his father how to handle the car? Does he question his parents' decisions or resist when they remind him to stay buckled up in his seat? No, he naturally trusts his parents to handle such matters, imperfect though they are. In Jehovah, we have a perfect Father. Should we not trust in him implicitly, especially when we face challenging situations?

    Translation: Trust implicitly in the WTS and do everything they say.

    So the day-to-day decisions we make in life should reflect our trust in Jehovah
    (in the WTS)
    . When problems arise, we should not despair, panic, or resist Jehovah's guidance regarding the best way to handle matters.

    We can show our trust in Jehovah
    (in the WTS ) no matter what obstacles may loom before us. We do so in our prayers and in the way we look to Jehovah's Word and to his organization for guidance.

    WT 1/15/99 p 6

    Just as a potter shapes a clay vessel, so God shapes those who wish to serve him. (Romans 9:20, 21) He does this by providing counsel in his Word and through his organization.

    P 9

    It is by listening to God?s Word, the Holy Bible, and by following the direction that our Grand Instructor, Jehovah God, provides through it and through his modern-day Christian organization. Indeed, to do this is the only way to everlasting life."

    11/1/99 p 17

    The only sure way to retain God?s Word in our heart is to read and study it both privately and in association with fellow believers. This includes taking full advantage of the spiritual food provided through the channel appointed to care for the spiritual interests of Jesus? true followers. (Matthew 24:45-47)

    WT 12/15/96 p 15

    From Pentecost onward, Jehovah has progressively been revealing "the deep things of God" contained in his written Word. (1 Corinthians 2:10-13) This he has done through a visible channel that Jesus termed "the faithful and discreet slave." It provides spiritual food that is considered in the teaching program for congregations of God?s people worldwide.?Matthew 24:45-47.
    (where was this slave between 100 CE and 1850 CE?)

    WT 7/1/95 p 19

    Today, the remnant
    (all 8,000????) of anointed Christians as a body are "the faithful and discreet slave," the channel for the distribution of spiritual food. (Matthew 24:45-47) As was the case in ancient Israel, any who wish to worship Jehovah have to do so in association with these anointed Christians.

    Specifically, though, how can we display trust in Jehovah when faced with the problems that arise in today's world? Our next article will take up that subject.

    Closing Comments

    Yes, nothing is new this week under the WTS sun.

    Just remember:

    Trust = Jehovah

    Jehovah = WTS

    WTS = Trust

    God's thoughts = WTS thoughts = your thoughts

    Once again where is Jesus is these equations?

  • Gadget

    Thanks Blondie. Like you said, nothing new, just looks to me like the wbts are trying to tighten their grip on their followers by getting them to follow their 'advice' more fully.

  • Maverick

    Thanks Blondie! Again the Organization is crying out to be heard and obeyed! They are God's channel. They are His Earthly organization! And what proof do they offer? They quote scripture with "authority" and say they are!...So do all the other christian groups. Oh!... Wait!...They provide mankinds salvation not Jesus. Jesus is here for the 144,000 not the rest of us until after the 1000years. And the only way you get through the 1000 years is through the Organization! They are the self appointed gate keepers of the new world! Didn't I see that in Ghost Busters?

    Watch the movie They Live! directed by John Carpenter. We have the sunglasses that let people "see"! Maverick

  • Elsewhere

    WOW! It looks like they are getting a lot of "Questions From Readers" who want to know why the WTS is behaving the way it is. (ie, Protecting pedophiles, telling abuse victims to keep quiet, DFing those who seek help from the authorities, suing abuse victims for hundreds of thousands of dollars, etc...)

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Great job once again Blondie. My stomach was wincing near the end.

    Gadget is right IMO. The WTS must feel like they are loosing their iron grip on the R&F. They need to remind us dubs that we are screaming, stupid, immature little brats making a rucess is the back seat. Children are meant to be seen, not heard in the WTS mind. Shut up and listen to your mommy!!!

    Watch the movie They Live! directed by John Carpenter. We have the sunglasses that let people "see"!


    Ha! Great movie.

    It has one of the best lines of all time:

    "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass; and I'm all out of bubble gum!"

  • willyloman

    Kids: Dad, are we there yet?

    Dad: Shut up. I'm driving. Do not make me stop this car!

  • blondie
    the wbts are trying to tighten their grip on their followers by getting them to follow their 'advice' more fully.

    The scary thing, Gadget, is how many JWs trust the decisions the WTS makes for them implicitly as coming from God himself, WTS = God. But in the book "The True Believer," Eric Hofer says that is what attracts true believers to mass movements/high control groups like the WTS.

    Watch the movie They Live! directed by John Carpenter. We have the sunglasses that let people "see"!

    I saw that movie, Maverick. I'm a sci-fi fan. Roddy Piper was pretty good in it. Too bad there aren't real sunglasses like that. But then the WTS would have to kill us.

    It looks like they are getting a lot of "Questions From Readers" who want to know why the WTS is behaving the way it is

    Yes, Elsewhere, I see this as damage control.

    Good comment, Winston.

    The WTS must feel like they are loosing their iron grip on the R&F. They need to remind us dubs that we are screaming, stupid, immature little brats making a rucess is the back seat. Children are meant to be seen, not heard in the WTS mind. Shut up and listen to your mommy!!!

    I found that illustration obnoxious. In my family, my father never went slower than 100 mph, passed in the yellow; My mother couldn't read a map to save her life. I reminds me how the WTS has played fast and loose with our lives and with their clear direction of where we are going in life (1914, 1925, 1975) make my mother look like an orienteerer.

    Very cute, willyloman.

    Is the end here yet?

    Kids: Dad, are we there yet?
    Dad: Shut up. I'm driving. Do not make me stop this car!


  • happy man
    happy man


  • blondie


  • happy man
    happy man


    this time i am not going to putt you against the wall, hmm.

    I going to studie this WT you talk about widh a poor man how just have lost hes wife,some was so very nice and want to help her out in service, the help didnt end ther, if you understand, they so to say help each other to get to a higher level of sadisfaction, perhaps it wasnt inaf widh the sadisfaktion from sevice, well the man find out, and kick hes lady out, now he is very confused, what can >I tell him to calm him down and have him to understand that this things can happend even among jehovas peopel, perhaps the lernig is never trust anyone how want to help your wife out in sevice, I am waiting fore some tipp from you to comfort him.

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