Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-12-03 WT Study

by blondie 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • minimus

    Mrs. Min is doing pretty good. I can't see a reason to go back to the Hall unless a death or wedding happens. We have settled things because of the various books read and the conversations that have been most productive......My elder friend came by my work and chatted for about 30 minutes. Not once did he ask anything about why we're no longer going. We got no call for our time. I think they're treating me with the Clinton, "Don't Ask. Don't Tell" policy.....It works for me.

  • blondie

    Don' ask, don't tell, I love it.

  • SM62

    What hinders people from putting their confidence in God? All too often, some are confused about why bad things happen. Many are taught that God is responsible for suffering. When a tragedy strikes, clergymen may say that God "took" the victims to be with him in heaven.

    "Where are their examples or proof? I did an informal survey and called 7 ministers or priests, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Friends (Quakers), LDS (Mormons), Episcopalian (Anglican) and asked if God had chosen those people to die or if it was an accident; if God is responsible for suffering. I was told without exception that God was not responsible for suffering and that God was not responsible for "taking" people before their time (old age)."

    I found this very interesting. I have never thought to question this before, although, as I was once a Catholic, I don't recall a priest ever saying this. I do get annoyed when I hear the WTS constantly running down the RC church. I know they have many faults, but so do the WTS - a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

    I found your review very good and was going to take it to the KH with me, only I ended up not going Will I die at the big A now???


  • blondie

    SM62, it was an experience for me to call all those men/women. What the WTS doesn't mention is that for years they taught that people who died from 1918 to the present who were not JWs and died before Armageddon were goats and would not be resurrected. In 1995 they changed all that by saying that the separation of the sheep and goats was yet future. JWs could then say with confidence about non-JW family members that they would be resurrected. Imagine how unloving the WTS doctrine was from 1918 to 1995?

    Keep missing those meetings.


  • czarofmischief

    Such rubbish! God, the same old drivel pooped onto paper and dutifully shoveled down their throats and into their minds without ever engaging their hearts!

    No wonder the WT studies are so BORING and MEANINGLESS! Bunches of people just sittin there, waiting for Armageddon, like doing their penance so they can go out and party later in the day...

    What are they waiting for? HAven't they caught on that they are living a lie yet?


  • blondie

    Czar, they are so boring because the writers are not allowed to and are afraid to have an original idea. Since Fred Franz, the WT has been just cut and paste and regurgitaed old WT articles. Many go to make social connections for things after the meeting. Can't socialize with people who have low meeting attendance.


  • Pistoff

    blondie wrote:

    In order to mold us, Jehovah gives counsel from his Word and through his organization. Never resist such godly counsel!

    I have noticed, blondie, that when reference is made to who is giving the counsel through the lesson, or who provided the assembly program, or who brought the new light, the name Jehovah is used, not God. It sounds less jarring to hear, Jehovah is speaking to us through the organization, than to hear, GOD is speaking to us through the columns of the WT.

    Any thoughts??

    BTW, great review; thanks for all the quotes.

    The dearth of references to Jesus is noticed here too; problem is, Jesus is just too openminded for them. It is hard to threaten anyone with DEATH by quoting Jesus. On the other hand, the OT is rife with examples of God killing someone for some trivial blunder, like trying to save the ark, or for gathering wood on the sabbath.

  • blondie

    I have wondered about that myself, Pistoff, and have done a quick check using the CD. There doesn't seem to be a trend. As to the months of my reivews, I will check that. My computer is on the fritz.

    I have been looking ahead and Jesus is fast disappearing.. It is hard to beat the sheep with his words.


  • jgnat

    Good review, Blondie. Typical that the WT sucks all the life out of a story of courage, and turns it in to a call to endure. My pastor taught us that David's confidence came from experience. David first successfully fought off a bear and a lion (1 Samuel 17:34-37). The idea is that God does not require heroic confidence in a vaccum. We build our confidence, and heroism, by conquering greater and greater foes. This article finally removes all maturity from the believer, by comparing them to a trusting infant taking a car ride with mommy and daddy.

    Also annoying was the paragraph that dismisses all other Christian teachings on suffering (para. 4). I checked out two Christian online bookstores, and found 120 hits at Crossroads, and 561 hits at Parable when I typed in the keyword Suffering.

    Very misleading, "..many religious leaders teach that God long ago predestined every event-including every tragedy and wicked deed..." I appreciate your informal survey, Blondie. Though some churches hold to the predestination doctrine, certainly most do not. And I do find the JW's to carry similar beliefs. I find "honest-hearted ones" are the householders frequently discussed in their literature as being worthy of the WT message. I think the rather apathetic view of "apostate" relatives is another form of predestination, or fatalism. After all, only a select few are chosen for that narrow road.

  • blondie

    Yes, jgnat, the WTS is insulting the rank and file. But then they don't want them to think. That comment about predestination made me want to check into it. The only religion I know that teaches that are the Presbyterians and I have not heard back from them.

    Yes, in days gone by the WTS emphasized why David was so courageous, because of the bear and the lion. But no more, they want the r&f to depend on them, the WTS.


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