The resident JWs who post here and of course the JWs around the world all feel that God has an organization and that they are it. Further, they ask 'where else would you go' if you talk about leaving their organizaton. The JWs talk about The Organization in such terms as "IT's the Truth," or "Wait on the Organization," or "Don't run ahead of the Organization" as though God's Divine name were really Organization.
Here is something that JWs, and maybe some ex-JWs need to understand: God (whether you call him Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, Buddah, Allah, or any other fine name DOES NOT have any Organization in heaven or on earth. He never has and never will. The whole concept is foreign to the entire Bible, lock, stock, and barrel! The word "organization" cannot be found in the Bible for one simple reason, it is not part of God's divine plan! Much the same as the word Trinity cannot be found in the Bible.
For those who believe in God, such terms as 'family' and 'child of God' can be found in the Bible. A family is loving, caring, and survives disagreements. Families do not operate like some well oiled military Organization, or an industrial machine. Families fight, and make up. Families love and at times hate. God is a Father, and NOT the "head" of some Organization.
The entire foundation of the Watch Tower religion is false through and through, inside out, top to bottom. The so-called FDS-GB have almost no understanding or appreciation of what the Bible and Christianity are about.
If God does not exist, and the human concept of a Divine creator is part of some cultural evolution we are going through as a race, then we may need to face the fact that not only does an 'Organization' not exist (thank Gawd!) but that any Divine family may not exist. The only family and love we will ever enjoy, in that case, is what we make for ourselves right here and now.
This post was inspired by what I saw the Apostle AK write about organization. It made me so ill reading that crap, that I had to start a new thread. I can't stand the term Organization, and can barely tolerate its existence in certain aspects of everyday life. I find the less organization the happier life is, the better people work together, and the more like God we become. - Amazing