by Amazing 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    The resident JWs who post here and of course the JWs around the world all feel that God has an organization and that they are it. Further, they ask 'where else would you go' if you talk about leaving their organizaton. The JWs talk about The Organization in such terms as "IT's the Truth," or "Wait on the Organization," or "Don't run ahead of the Organization" as though God's Divine name were really Organization.

    Here is something that JWs, and maybe some ex-JWs need to understand: God (whether you call him Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, Buddah, Allah, or any other fine name DOES NOT have any Organization in heaven or on earth. He never has and never will. The whole concept is foreign to the entire Bible, lock, stock, and barrel! The word "organization" cannot be found in the Bible for one simple reason, it is not part of God's divine plan! Much the same as the word Trinity cannot be found in the Bible.

    For those who believe in God, such terms as 'family' and 'child of God' can be found in the Bible. A family is loving, caring, and survives disagreements. Families do not operate like some well oiled military Organization, or an industrial machine. Families fight, and make up. Families love and at times hate. God is a Father, and NOT the "head" of some Organization.

    The entire foundation of the Watch Tower religion is false through and through, inside out, top to bottom. The so-called FDS-GB have almost no understanding or appreciation of what the Bible and Christianity are about.

    If God does not exist, and the human concept of a Divine creator is part of some cultural evolution we are going through as a race, then we may need to face the fact that not only does an 'Organization' not exist (thank Gawd!) but that any Divine family may not exist. The only family and love we will ever enjoy, in that case, is what we make for ourselves right here and now.

    This post was inspired by what I saw the Apostle AK write about organization. It made me so ill reading that crap, that I had to start a new thread. I can't stand the term Organization, and can barely tolerate its existence in certain aspects of everyday life. I find the less organization the happier life is, the better people work together, and the more like God we become. - Amazing

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    I agree with your post 100% never a truer statement written.

    I posted some famous quotes on death and religion on another thread, in case you missed them here they are again.


    Perhaps the whole root of our trouble, the human trouble, is that we will sacrifice all the beauty of our lives, will imprison ourselves in totems, taboos, crosses, blood sacrifices, steeples, mosques, races, armies, flags, nations, in order to deny the fact of death, which is the only fact we have.

    The fear of death often proves mortal, and sets people on methods to save their Lives, which infallibly destroy them.

    I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.

    Tears are sometimes an inappropriate response to death. When a life has been lived completely honestly, completely successfully, or just completely, the correct response to death's perfect punctuation mark is a smile.

    Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.

    W. C. Fields, a lifetime agnostic, was discovered reading a Bible on his deathbed. ''I'm looking for a loop-hole,'' he explained.

    Birth and death are so closely related that one could not destroy either without destroying the other at the same time. It is extinction that makes creation possible.

    Wondrous hole! Magical hole! Dazzlingly influential hole! Noble and effulgent hole! From this hole everything follows logically: first the baby, then the placenta, then, for years and years and years until death, a way of life. It is all logic, and she who lives by the hole will live also by its logic. It is, appropriately, logic with a hole in it.

    A funeral is not death, any more than baptism is birth or marriage union. All three are the clumsy devices, coming now too late, now too early, by which Society would register the quick motions of man.

    What you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else. But what you are will be yours forever.

    Faith makes a Christian. Life proves a Christian. Trial confirms a Christian. Death crowns a Christian.

    Until the day of his death, no man can be sure of his courage.

    Death not merely ends life, it also bestows upon it a silent completeness, snatched from the hazardous flux to which all things human are subject.

    I do not believe that any man fears to be dead, but only the stroke of death.

    Let no man fear to die, we love to sleep all, and death is but the sounder sleep.

    A man's death makes everything certain about him. Of course, secrets may die with him. And of course, a hundred years later somebody looking through some papers may discover a fact which throws a totally different light on his life and of which all the people who attended his funeral were ignorant. Death changes the facts qualitatively but not quantitatively. One does not know more facts about a man because he is dead. But what one already knows hardens and becomes definite. We cannot hope for ambiguities to be clarified, we cannot hope for further change, we cannot hope for more. We are now the protagonists and we have to make up our minds.

  • TheApostleAK
    Here is something that JWs, and maybe some ex-JWs need to understand: God (whether you call him Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, Buddah, Allah, or any other fine name DOES NOT have any Organization in heaven or on earth. He never has and never will.

    Who gave you the authority to decide if God has an organisation or not?

    This post was inspired by what I saw the Apostle AK write about organization. It made me so ill reading that crap

    Don't worry...there's more crap coming your way.


    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • wasasister
    Who gave you the authority to decide if God has an organisation or not?

    Who gave you authority to post with the signature, "Brought to you by WBTS"?? Seems a bit pretentious, does it not?

    Amazing: I agree with you. If the Bible truly is God's word (my personal jury is still out on that issue) it certainly does NOT propound the idea of any "organization".

  • Francois2

    Amazing, your post hit the nail right on the head. I've never believed that God has an organization either.

    And I don't think it's smart to attribute to either the ancient Isrealites, or to the Hebrews at the time of Jesus, an awareness, a mental capability, a viewpoint and outlook like that which humans are capable of today. Projection is a common failure in human thinking. That is a mode of thinking that says, "I understand it, so you must understand it."

    In this light, then, when Jesus used so many parables about a "king" and "kingdom" he was attempting to penetrate the mental limitations of the Hebrews at the time of his speaking. Upon the foundation of the parables of Jesus, the Borg has built the superstructure and ideal of God's "Organization." But for Christ's sake, why can the Borg not realize Jesus stories are called parables for a reason?

    PARABLE - A short, ficitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or religious principle.

    So, in basing the entire idea of an "organization" upon the parables of Jesus, the Borg has built on the sand of a FICTITIOUS story. And no house built on sand will stand.

    Jesus was attempting to make a point, to illustrate an idea, to get across to an intellectually challenged populace the idea of the family of the spirit, and something about how the family worked. He didn't use the idea of a kingdom exclusively. He used vineyards, and fishermen, and farmers and everything possible to puncture the ignorance of the people of his time.

    Your post is a beautiful argument against the absurd interpretations made today by the cult of JWs. Thanks for making it.

    And ApostleAK, before I begin to permanently ignore you altogether, who gave the WTB&TS the authority to run ahead of the parables of Jesus, giving them a self-serving meaning they do not otherwise have?

  • TheApostleAK
    "Who gave you authority to post with the signature, "Brought to you by WBTS"?? Seems a bit pretentious, does it not?"

    Some people can't tell when i'm joking or not.

    "And ApostleAK, before I begin to permanently ignore you altogether, who gave the WTB&TS the authority to run ahead of the parables of Jesus, giving them a self-serving meaning they do not otherwise have?"

    Since when have they done that? Explain.


    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • Amazing

    To Apostle AK: You asked who gave me the Authority to say that Jehovah has no organization. It is not a matter of authority, as you like believe, rather, it is a matter that the word Organization cannot be found in the Bible. Yet, the Watch Tower religion uses the word Organization with such great frequency, that it often rivals the name Jehovah. IF the concept of Organization were a Biblical feature, such that to get saved, one must "seek out, identify, and associate with God's true Organization" as the Society likes to proclaim, than certainly the Bible would have highlighted this ALL-IMPORTANT aspect of SALVATION!!! Neither YOU nor your Watchtower Society can demonstrate this, because it is NOT there. SHOW ME!

    Your religion is so convoluted, that you really worship your Organization much the same or even greater than your religion accuses Roman Catholics of worshipping Mary, the mother of Jesus. At least Mary had something to do with Jesus, whereas Jesus does not know your religion because of its works of lawlessness, you know: pedophiles, killing JWs needlessly from lack of blood, needless death from useless peresecutions, and the like. ... All Pharisical policies invented by the GB who Themselves have no AUTHORITY to speak for God.

    Before you question me, you first need to question who gave the GB authority ... and you will find that no one, and especially not God, gave them any authority. The ONLY reason the GB have any power is because nearly 6,000,000 people give them money and mortgage their consciences to their fantasy religion. Take that away, and the GB, FDS, and whole religion falls like a house of cards.


  • wannahelp

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents to this thread.. First, I've never formally introduced myself.. I've never been a JW, however, I became interested in learning about the religion because I have a friend who is, and I want to help him in any way I can..

    That being said, Amazing, I agree 1000% with your comments... Personally, I've always believed in god, but I have never joined any religion because I feel as soon as you join any organized religion, you start to lose sight of god... It's a personal relationship with God, and putting any man inbetween you and god is only seperating that relationship, not fostering it to grow..

    ApostleAK, I have to make a few comments to you also:

    I've seen first hand from my friend the JW version of love and friendship.. As he himself has said, everything is "To a point"... It's not unconditional love and friendship, but love and friendship based solely on your acceptance to an organization and it's man-made doctrines.

    You claim rightouesness as the "truth", yet, you miss the very point of the bible itself.. LOVE and undeserved-kindness...

    I often wonder if Jesus believed as you did, what he would have said to the executioners when up on the cross (or torture stake, doesn't really matter).. Instead of, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" it might have sounded something like, "Father, cut these ones off from the truth, for they have rebelled against your son, and your earthly organization that I have established".. I cannot think of a reason that could be more compelling to label the people that were involved in Jesus' execution as Apostates, yet Jesus himself didn't show any hatred or malice towards them.. Instead, he showed them true undeserved kindness and love!!! Your organization, on the other hand, has labeled people apostates because (gasp) they have dared to question things like the 1975 armageddon date, and were not in harmony with the rest of the congregation. And, of course, after 1975 came and went, did they get an apology and re-instated as JW's. No, because they didn't submit to the authority, the fallable men in Brooklyn, as it were... I wonder what Jesus would say about that?

    Anyway, your organization claims love, but it certainly isn't the love that the bible and Jesus preach...

    Instead, your organization uses conditional love and friendship as a fear tactic to keep it's members in line.. If you dare to question the GB decisions, you risk much, including having all the love and friendship you think you have in this world taken from you..

    I'm sorry AK, but that's not love.. That's bondage!!!!

    The word organization is NOT in the bible, precisely because to even think about needing an organization to be close to god is missing the whole point!!!!

  • COMF
    Wondrous hole! Magical hole! Dazzlingly influential hole! Noble and effulgent hole! From this hole everything follows logically: first the baby, then the placenta, then, for years and years and years until death, a way of life.

    Big Jim - this is a quote about death? (cough)

    Who gave you the authority to decide if God has an organisation or not?

    I own the authority to decide everything by virtue of the fact that I am me, and you do not have authority to question that.

    Some people can't tell when i'm joking or not.

    Rather, you don't know how to tell a joke.


  • jurs

    i'm very curious about you. i would be interseted to know more about you and why you come here to post. i'm guessing your still a JW. have you ever questioned wether the organization that you belong to could possibly be filled with misled people? i've come to believe that jehovah has no organization here on earth too. also i enjoyed the post......jurs

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