Hee Haw was not clean
by The Real Edward Gentry 40 Replies latest jw friends
We all need to STOP commenting on his threads! -
MORPHEUS - I know Road Runner doesn't speak, do you remember he used to hold up a sign that had funny sayings on it?
During the rest of the show, much of what you saw was women's breasts exposed, women laying in suggestive positions, dirty jokes, women wearing miniskirts, women being sensual, women and men flirting with each other, men looking at women.
Except for men looking at women - now that crosses the line.
Gentry go use your DEVICE to watch JW broadcasting and leave us the F alone.
FYI - it's probably a Fire Stick with illegal software that lets you pirate any show or movie.
The Great Jehober will KILL you at Harmageddon for that - Brother Achan -
Gentry, I think you would really like The Man Show, it shows what became of the grandchildren from Hee Haw.
under the radar
To The Real Edward Gentry:
Dude... you need to get out more. I think your drawers may be on too tight.
Feeling sadistic today:
No-o-o-w, we're not ones to go 'round, spreading rumors
Why really, we're just not the gossipy ki-i-i-i-nd
Oh, you'll never hear one of repeatin' gossip
So you better be sure, and listen close the first time.....
I also thought that Hee Haw was boring. I liked to watch Ginger and Maryann at Gilligan's Island. --Especially Maryann. I wonder how many children after watching Gilligan's Island, developed sexual feelings because of it?
Another stupid troll thread started by The Real Edward Gentry
Maybe TRE Gentry became confused, and thought yesterday was April Fools Day.