Hey Shotgun..
I'm wondering if what you are experiencing happens more with ones who were raised in the J.W. religion.
I experienced those same anxiety about death and dying that you speak of..when I left it.
In fact, it got really really bad when I first left, and then when I was d'fd.. it intensified even more.
..so I think what's happenning to you is NORMAL... a fear of death and the unknown..
Before this time.. you knew everything about death and dying and where and what you were going to be doing.
Many people of the world,..believe in going to heaven when they die and that is what consoles them
But now, You.. just like me.. are calling into question everything you were cultized in.
some people easily transfer to another religion,, but for someone like me.. and possibly yourself this may never feel right to you.
It's an extreme blow to the psyche to come to the realization that all that you were taught and believed in is a falsehood. It's kind of like a "spiritual type of rape" has taken place. A severe traumatization of your core belief system. Therefore as the psche grapples with this .. the bad dreams or anxiety attacks...especially the ones about death may occur
When you finally come to the realization that there is no ressurrection,.. no armageddon.. and all that stuff. It leaves a type of emptiness there where those belief systems were.
Shotgun,.. your psyche has been dealt a great blow and needs time to heal and stabilize itself...until then you may continue to experience some of these anxiety attacks.
As your mind and heart comes to an ACCEPTANCE of these things and adopts other beliefs that fit you, . .then it will ease up.
special k