How Is The Governing Body Viewed Today By Jehovah’s Witnesses?

by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Are they revered like the Pope is to Catholics??

    Back in the 1960s , Fred Franz and N.H Knorr were the only men that counted. After Franz died, The Governing Body became more of an idolized entity. Elders were taught to “pray for the Governing Body” because they were considered the representatives of Jehovah God Himself.

    Is the GB still viewed as almost infallible or have today’s Witnesses seen through the charade??

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    One older brother LITERALLY used the word infallible to describe the GB, but I'm sure most JWs wouldn't go that far. Still for all intents and purposes they do view them that way even if they technically don't. As for one or two of them vs. all of them as a body, there seemed to be a little overlap, with Henschel getting grouped along with the past presidents out of habit, and the GB as the supreme entity arising from there.

  • Hairtrigger

    If they were representatives of their god why the fcuk would they want anyone else’s prayers . Aren’t they a direct channel to their god? The prophets didn’t need anyone to pray for them. These jokers place themselves in a similar position so why should ordinary rank and file JW’s prayers matter when they have the anointing of big J himself? Never made sense to me.

  • minimus

    I wonder do present JWs view these guys as godlike or are they viewed as regular men by the typical rank and file.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Regular men who God is using, like prophets*

    * except not inspired.

    Many still simultaneously hold the belief though that the GB does is fact have a line to heaven and is dropping hints, such as the oft repeated idea of "in this latest talk they're trying to tell us that the end is so close."

    Good JWs also view it as a privilege to give to them monetarily or to provide them with physical comforts like taking out to eat, green handshakes, etc. This is exemplified and encouraged in the JW song 'if you did it for them, you did it for me'.

  • Vidiot
    minimus - "How is the Governing Body viewed today by Jehovah’s Witnesses?"

    Reality TV stars? Vidiot

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Was told they are the smartest men on earth. That discounts the helpers ( handlers)

  • eyeuse2badub

    I'd say it depends on how deeply indoctrinated a jw that one really is! I don't know too many truly devout jw's anymore. I truly believe that the constant reminder from the borg that the end is sooooooooooooon and yet nothing has ever really changed has stunted the belief system of jw's. They repeat the bull shit and hope that the shit will happen---------but they don't really believe that it will happen!

    just saying!

  • Finkelstein

    In the past the Presidents and GB members were not highlighted individuals even though they carried much power and weight to what went on at WTS HQ and the writing department.

    Now that they've come out and said they alone are the FDSL and are seen continuously on JWorg video broadcasts, they are even more adorned, glorified than any other time in the organization's history .

    The past or present GB members were not true bible interpreters, they were and are corrupt lying charlatans trying increase the WTS's own literature distribution for as its known the JWS organization has a religoius publishing house operating at its core.

  • Dubfounded_12

    They live by their every movement and hang on every word as if God is using them as a mouthpiece.

    If the Governing Body don’t say it. It clearly isn’t true. Even when faced with facts they would rather hang on to these self appointed gods in NY!

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