I'm sick of being mistaken for a prostitute!

by Aztec 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I had a guy once ask me if I were a two bit hooker. I hit him over the head with my bag of quarters.

  • Robdar

    Azzy, are they offering you money?

  • RubaDub

    Remember, between you and me ....... the Crotchless Panties are a giveaway ........

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Surreptitious

    Well, if you went ahead and took the money, you'd no longer be mistaken for one........hehe

  • frenchbabyface

    I guess somehow your question is serious so my answer is

    As far as you know you are NOT a prostitute ... There is nothing you can do against that ... not your choice

  • Swan

    You could always reply, "I'm not a hooker, but I know of this publishing company that got into bed with the U.N. for a library card!"

    Seriously, just tell them to get a clue and quit bothering respectable women or you'll call the cops.


  • m0nk3y

    Oh I know what your saying pet .. it happenes to me all the time as well .. I just don't know what these peasent men are thinking !! *spits*


  • ballistic

    I'm sick of being propositioned by prostitutes! They're heading up this part of town since they've put up CCTV and pushed them out of the centre of town. I normally say "you pay me" and they head off quite quick, but I don't know why they bother to stop me so late at night when I'm staggering back from the pub, as if I would be good for anything.

  • Aztec

    You guys are funny, and it would be a funny thing if it wasn't so scary. These guys creep me out! Espescially if they follow me. Oh well, I got some good tips and I'll use them.


  • shera


    You don't look like no hooker! Too purdy to be mistakin for one of them.

    The ones we have over here...good gawd...yeecck. But very sad.

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